The Community Foundation of Northern Nevada is accepting proposals for grants from the Truckee River Fund.
Donor Name: Community Foundation of Northern Nevada
State: Nevada
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 01/31/2025
Size of the Grant: Not Available
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
The mission of the Truckee River Fund is to protect and enhance water quality or water resources of the Truckee River or its watershed. To be considered for funding, project proposals must demonstrate measurable impact in accordance with this mission.
Grant Priorities
Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA) recommends that the Truckee River Fund (TRF) Advisory Committee (the “Committee”) give preference to well-supported, clearly drafted grant requests that consider substantial benefits to TMWA customers for projects and programs that mitigate substantial threats to water quality and the watershed, particularly those threats upstream or nearby water treatment and hydroelectric plant intakes.
- Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS): Projects/Programs that support the prevention or control of aquatic invasive species in the mainstem Truckee River, Lake Tahoe, other tributaries and water bodies in the Truckee River system.
- Watershed Improvements: Projects that reduce erosion or sediment, suspended solids, or total dissolve solids (TDS) discharges, nutrients, industrial contaminants, or bacterial pollutants to the River. Projects or programs that are located within 303d (impaired waters) and total maximum daily load (TMDL) sections of the River should be considered, both in California and Nevada. Innovative techniques should be encouraged.
- Local Stormwater Improvements: Projects that demonstrably mitigate storm water run-off due to urbanization of the local watershed. Priority should be given to those improvement projects in close proximity to TMWA’s water supply intakes and canals and which will improve the reliability and protect the quality of the community’s municipal water supply.
- Re-Forestation and Re-Vegetation Projects: Projects to restore forest and upland areas damaged by fire and historical logging operations, and to improve watershed resiliency in drought situations. Projects/programs in this category should be given a high priority due to urbanization of the watershed and increased susceptibility of the urban and suburban watershed to wildfire.
- Support to Rehabilitation of Local Tributary Creeks and Drainage Courses: Projects to support water quality improvement in creeks and tributaries to the Truckee River.
- Stewardship and Environmental Awareness: Support to clean-up programs and the development and implementation of educational programs relative to water, water quality and watershed protection that do not fall clearly into the one of the above-mentioned categories.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for funding, grantees must adhere to the following requirements:
- Funds are to be used and/or disbursed exclusively for the charitable uses and purposes.
- The Fund shall be used exclusively for projects that protect and enhance water quality or water resources of the Truckee River, or its watershed.
- Grantees may include 501(c)(3) organizations and governmental entities. Any grants to governmental entities must be made exclusively for public benefit purposes.
- All grantees will be required to sign a grant agreement stipulating their agreement to all applicable terms, conditions, and reporting requirements.
- Organizations or entities sponsoring proposals are prohibited from ex parte communications with members of the Committee regarding such proposals while those proposals are pending before the Committee, and such communications may be grounds for rejecting a proposal.
- All applicants must provide a match of at least 25 percent for dollars requested. The match may be with funding and/or in-kind services.
For more information, visit CFNN.