The Community Organization Grant (COG) program provides an opportunity for qualified nonprofit organizations that deliver services to Virginia Beach residents to receive funding from the City.
Donor Name: City of Virginia Beach
State: Virginia
City: Virginia Beach
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 01/31/2025
The City Council-appointed COG Review and Allocation Committee evaluates applications and determines how best to allocate funds among the organizations.
Eligibility Criteria
An applicant is eligible to apply for a Community Organization Grant (COG) from the City of Virginia Beach if it meets the following criteria:
- The applicant must be a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization meeting the legal requirements of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and the City of Virginia Beach. Furthermore, the applicant’s nonprofit status must be independent of the City of Virginia Beach. Neither City of Virginia Beach departments nor programs administered by the City of Virginia Beach may apply for funding through COG.
- The applicant must provide significant, measurable direct services to residents of Virginia Beach. The organization must be able to provide an unduplicated count of the residents served.
- In accordance with Section 15.2-953 of the Code of Virginia, no organization shall be prohibited from applying for and receiving COG funds on account of its status as a church or sectarian society provided the COG funds are used to provide community services for secular purposes without regard for the religious affiliation of the recipients of such services.
- The applicant may not receive grants from other City of Virginia Beach resources. For example, the applicant cannot be eligible to apply for a grant while receiving a grant through the City of Virginia Beach Arts and Humanities Commission.
- Contractual services that a grant applicant provides the City must be disclosed in grant applications. Payments for such services do not automatically exclude an applicant from grant eligibility. However, grant funds will not be provided to support the same services or costs which are provided under contract to the City.
- The applicant may not have any permanent City of Virginia Beach employees nor any City officials involved in the COG grant application, interview, or reporting process.
- The applicant must have fulfilled all service, reporting, auditing, and payment obligations for any previous loans or grants from the City.
- Programs, activities, employment opportunities, and any other operations of the applicant that may be fully or partially funded by the City of Virginia Beach must comply with local, state, and national legal requirements related to nondiscrimination. Programs, activities, or other operations of the applicant that may be fully or partially funded by the City of Virginia Beach must not advocate nor advance a particular political or religious viewpoint.
- The applicant may not use COG funding as a means to provide grant or pass-through funding for other nonprofit organizations.
- All funds awarded through COG are to remain local (Virginia Beach) and are not to be used to fund national organizations (i.e., dues, etc.).
- If awarded a grant, the City shall have the right to audit all books and records relating or pertaining to the agreement, kept by or under the control of Contractor, including, but not limited to those kept by Contractor, its employees, agents, assigns, successors and subcontractors. Contractor shall maintain such books and records, together with such supporting or underlying documents and materials, for the duration of the Agreement and for at least three years following the completion of the Agreement, including any and all renewals thereof.
For more information, visit City of Virginia Beach.