The Minnesota Community IDEAS Program seeks to design, test and spread ideas that make the communities better for everyone and inspire, equip and connect people through meaningful, community-led change.
Donor Name: Saint Paul and Minnesota Foundation
State: Minnesota
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 01/30/2025
Size of the Grant: $100,000 to $500,000
Grant Duration: 3 Years
Grants will be awarded within three target communities, with five grants awarded within each of the communities:
- Greater Minnesota
- Twin Cities 7-county Metro Area
- Native-led, Native-serving organizations
This program’s selection criteria focus on an organization’s transformational impact; or the long-lasting, meaningful change that can happen through ideas of all sizes, within communities of all sizes, and through organizations of all sizes.
Funding Information
Selected organizations will each receive a total award of $160,000, paid over three years ($100,000 in 2025, $40,000 in 2026, and $20,000 in 2027).
Eligibility Criteria
Grants will be awarded to Minnesota nonprofit organizations meeting the following criteria:
- Organizations must be located in Minnesota. If awarded, all grant funds must be used for charitable purposes to benefit communities in Minnesota.
- Organizations that are 501(c)(3) public charities or government entities (including schools) are eligible to apply.
- The Foundation accepts applications from organizations or programs that are fiscally sponsored. Fiscal sponsors must be 501(c)(3) public charities or government entities (including schools).
- If an organization becomes a finalist in the grant selection process, the Foundation will learn more about its fiscal sponsor and collect a fiscal sponsorship agreement.
- If the applicant is selected as a grant recipient, their fiscal sponsor will serve as the grantee and receive the funds.
- Groups of organizations (such as coalitions or collaboratives) are eligible to apply, but only one organization may apply and receive the award on behalf of the group.
For more information, visit SPMF.