The Turrell Fund financially & strategically supports organizations which provide quality services to children, especially the youngest and the underserved.
Donor Name: Turrell Fund
State: New Jersey, Vermont
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 02/01/2025
Size of the Grant: Not Available
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
The Turrell Fund is a foundation serving the youngest & their families in New Jersey and Vermont.
Focus Areas
- Early Childhood
- K-12 Education
- Music & Arts
- Family Support
- Systems Change
Eligibility Criteria
- Turrell Fund award grants to 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations with projects and portfolios especially for the youngest in New Jersey and Vermont.
- Grants are awarded to agencies that exhibit:
- Evidence of exceptional quality
- Distinction through the creation of new benchmarks or best practices
- A voice in the chorus of those speaking to educational policy change
- Initiatives directed at systems and policy change.
For more information, visit Turrell Fund.