Applications are now being accepted for the 2024 The Ann Snitow Prize.
Donor Name: The Ann Snitow Prize
State: All States
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Awards and Prizes
Deadline: 07/15/2024
Size of the Grant: $10,000 to $100,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
Prize Information
The award of $12,500 may be used however the recipient wishes.
Who may apply?
The ideal candidate for the Ann Snitow Prize is a feminist intellectual and activist, living and working in the United States, who has consistently exhibited the qualities that led Ann to be so admired and cherished. The awardee is:
- A feminist, broadly defined: someone for whom feminism goes beyond a movement for rights and equality to a vision of a world without social domination or economic exploitation, a world of security, freedom, and pleasure.
- An intellectual and/or artist who thinks with rigor, flexibility, and originality, and who inspires and nurtures the intellectual and creative best in others.
- A radical social justice activist who practices generosity, integrity, and perseverance—and is effective, whether in instigating new formations; mobilizing and connecting people; and/or sustaining and growing campaigns, projects, groups, and institutions.
Prizewinners may be academics, independent scholars, educators, writers or artists, full- or part-time volunteer or paid organizers—or currently engaged in any combination of intellectual and activist feminist work.
Nominations are submitted via email and should include the following:
- A 1 to 2 page cover letter describing the nominee
- A CV or resume of the nominee
- Work samples from the nominee (1 to 2 short writing samples; samples of activist work; or, if appropriate, samples of artwork. If you submit a video, include a few-sentence introduction & a link). Please include a maximum of 20 pages total for all work sample materials combined.
- Submissions must be in English. They welcome submissions from Puerto Rico or for nominees who work in the U.S. but do so primarily in a language other than English. However, to give them a fair chance with the jury, please translate and/or subtitle all submitted materials into English.
For more information, visit The Ann Snitow Prize.