The purpose of this program is to facilitate multipurpose drainage management practices to reduce erosion and sedimentation, reduce peak flows and flooding, and improve water quality, while protecting drainage system efficiency and reducing drainage system maintenance for priority Chapter 103E drainage systems.
Donor Name: Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources
State: Minnesota
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 06/03/2024
Size of the Grant: More than $1 million
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
Funding Information
Up to $950,000 Each for FY 24 & 25.
Eligibility Criteria
This grant program strongly encourages a Chapter 103E drainage authority (County, Joint County Board, or Watershed District) and Soil and Water Conservation District(s) to establish or define a partnership to apply for and use these grant funds. One SWCD or drainage authority partner is eligible to apply on behalf of a partnership, but must verify in the proposal that all the partner(s) are committed to the project. The following entities are eligible:
- Drainage authorities as defined by Minn. Stat. Chapter 103E
- Local governments (counties, watershed districts, watershed management organizations, and soil and water conservation districts or local government joint power boards) working under a current State approved and locally adopted local water management plan, comprehensive watershed management plan or soil and water conservation district comprehensive plan.
- Municipalities are eligible if they: 1) have a water plan that has been approved by a watershed district or a watershed management organization as provided under Minn. Stat. 103B.235; or 2) adopted an approved comprehensive watershed management plan developed under Minn. Stat. 103B.801
- Counties in the seven-county metropolitan area are eligible if they have adopted a county groundwater plan under Minn Stat. 103B.255 or county comprehensive plan that has been approved by the Metropolitan Council under Minn. Stat. Chapter 473. Applicants who have previously received a grant from BWSR must be in compliance with BWSR requirements for grantee website and eLINK reporting before grant execution and payment.
For more information, visit MBWSR.