The Wolf Livestock Conflict Prevention Grant is offered by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to help producers protect livestock depredation by wolves.
Donor Name: Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA)
State: Minnesota
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 01/05/2024
Size of the Grant: $95,000
Grant Duration: 1 year
It is the policy of the State of Minnesota to ensure fairness, precision, equity and consistency in competitive grant awards. This includes implementing diversity and inclusion in grant-making. Policy 08-02: Rating Criteria for Competitive Grant Review establishes the expectation that grant programs intentionally identify how the grant serves diverse populations, especially populations experiencing inequities and/or disparities.
This grant will serve producers experiencing livestock depredation from wolves. Additionally, this grant will prioritize:
- Emerging farmers, including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, immigrants, women, veterans, persons with disabilities, young and beginning farmers, LGBTQ+ farmers, and others.
Funding Information
The Department was appropriated $90,000 during the 2023 Legislative Session to make grants to livestock producers for measures that will reduce wolf-livestock conflicts. In addition, the Department was awarded $50,000 from the US Fish and Wildlife Services to make grants to livestock producers for use before September, 2024. Thus, a total of $95,000 is available now (Round 1) and an additional $45,000 will be available for application beginning July 1, 2024 (Round 2). It anticipates that 25 or more grants may be awarded in total with these funds.
Eligible Projects and Expenses
Livestock producers within Minnesota’s wolf range or on property determined by the commissioner to be affected by wolf-livestock conflicts. The Minnesota wolf range can be found.
- Purchase of guard animals
- Veterinary costs for guard animals
- Wolf-barriers which may include pens
- Fladry and fencing
- Wolf-deterring lights and alarms
- Calving or lambing shelters
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must:
- Be an individual (including farmers), business, agricultural cooperative, or a local unit of government.
- Be in good standing with the State of Minnesota.
- No back taxes owed.
- No defaults on Minnesota State-backed financing for the last 7 years.
- Acceptable performance on past MDA grants.
- Compliant with current state regulations.
- Currently reside in Minnesota or be authorized to conduct business in Minnesota.
- Not be an employee or spouse of an employee of the MDA
For more information, visit MDA.