The Prince George’s County Government and the Chesapeake Bay Trust announce the ninth year of partnership for the Prince George’s County Stormwater Stewardship Grant Program.
Donor Name: Chesapeake Bay Trust
State: Maryland
County: Prince George’s County (MD)
City: Bowie
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 01/03/2023
Size of the Grant: $150,000 to $550,000
Grant Duration: 2 years
This grant program encourages on-the-ground restoration activities that improve communities, improve water quality, support the County’s Climate Action Plan, and engage Prince George’s County residents in the restoration and protection of the local rivers and streams of Prince George’s County.
Program Goals
Funding partners seek projects that improve aesthetics of communities and treat the stormwater runoff that comes from various types of properties, thus reducing the negative impact of this runoff on the County’s local streams, rivers, and other natural resources in areas where community residents live and recreate. Projects must accomplish on-the-ground restoration to result in improvements in water quality and watershed health (e.g., reduction in pollutants carried by stormwater, reducing carbon emissions, increasing tree canopy, greening areas for beautification and increased community use/enjoyment, and better habitat for wildlife).
Eligible Project Types
Applicants can request funds from the following project tracks.
Track 1. Water Quality Implementation Projects
Request amounts are generally $50,000 to $150,000 or can be larger with prior approval.
Funding partners will support the implementation of the following types of projects that provide a water quality benefit, with an emphasis on practices that treat impervious cover:
- Bioretention cells, bioswales, rain gardens, and other Environmental Site Design (ESD) stormwater techniques;
- Streamside forest buffers;
- Conservation landscaping projects;
- Green roofs;
- Stormwater wetland creation and enhancement; and
- Outfall repair and retrofit.
Track 2. Building Community Resilience: Installation of Small to Medium Scale Climate
Resilient Practices to Reduce Localized Flooding & Drainage Issues while Improving Water Quality.
Request amounts: Option A: Up to $150,000; Option B: Up to $550,000 or can be larger with prior approval.
Track 3. Tree Planting
Urban Tree Canopy: Outreach, Maintenance, and Education (3a); Increasing Tree Canopy by Subwatershed (3b); and Preserving Tree Canopy Pilot Program (3c).
Request amounts are generally $50,000 to $150,000 or can be larger with prior approval New this year the Prince George’s County DoE builds on the existing funding and moment.
Track 4. Community Awareness and Engagement Projects
Request Amounts are generally $10,000 to $60,000 can be larger with prior approval.
Funding Availability
The funding partners anticipate $2.3M funds available in FY 23.
Project Timeline
Projects greater than $100,000 should be completed within two years and projects less than or equal to $100,000 should be completed within one year upon receipt of the award or as determined in the award agreement. Requests to extend project completion period will be reviewed and considered on a case-bycase basis.
Eligible Project Locations Prince George’s County, Maryland, excluding the City of Bowie.
Non-profit organizations, Prince George’s County municipalities, watershed organizations, education institutions, community associations, faith-based organizations, civic groups, and more.
For more information, visit Stormwater Stewardship Grant Program.