The Environmental Protection Agency seeks funds for Treatment Technology Demonstrations using Practical and Affordable Manganese Treatment for Small Drinking Water Systems.
Donor Name: Environmental Protection Agency
State: All States
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 11/15/2023
Size of the Grant: $1 million
Grant Duration: 4 years
This Request for Applications (RFA) seeks research demonstrations that evaluate the effectiveness of common Mn treatment technologies in small drinking water systems and provide states, Tribes and small utilities with an improved ability to adopt and implement common Mn treatment technologies.
The Innovative Water Technology Grant Program’s goal is to accelerate “the development and deployment of innovative water technologies that address pressing drinking water supply, quality, treatment, or security challenges of public water systems, areas served by private wells, or source waters.” Under the program, EPA shall make grants “(1) to develop, test, and deploy innovative water technologies; or (2) to provide technical assistance to deploy demonstrated innovative water technologies.”
Research Areas
- Treatment: Research to evaluate the performance and sustainability of Mn treatment technologies over time. Consideration should be given to ease of use and maintenance requirements.
- Costs and Capacity: Research to evaluate the economic viability of Mn treatment technologies over time. Consideration should be given to capital, operations, and maintenance costs, given the technical, financial, and managerial capacity typically available at small water utilities.
Funding Information
It is anticipated that a total of approximately $1 million will be awarded under this announcement, depending on the availability of funds, quality of applications received and other applicable considerations. The EPA anticipates funding one award under this RFA. Requests for amounts in excess of a total of $1,000,000 in federal funding, including direct and indirect costs, will not be considered. In addition, a minimum non-federal cost share/match of 35% of the total project costs which is equivalent at a minimum to 53.846% of the federal funds awarded must be included. The minimum 35% non-federal cost share/match, equal to a minimum of $538,462 (assuming the applicant requests $1,000,000 in EPA funds) must be included. Including matching, total project costs can exceed $1,538,462 (if the applicant proposes more than the minimum required nonfederal cost share/match), however, the federally-funded portion of the budget must not exceed $1,000,000. Applications which do not demonstrate how the applicant will provide the minimum non-federal cost share/match will be deemed ineligible. The total project period requested in an application submitted for this RFA may not exceed 4 years.
Eligibility Criteria
Public water systems, institutions of higher education (IHEs), research institutions or foundations, regional water organizations and certain nonprofit organizations as further described below, located in the U.S. or its territories or possessions are eligible to apply. Profitmaking firms and individuals are not eligible to apply.
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