Grit Fund supports projects that add to the vibrancy and development of Baltimore’s arts and culture community.
Donor Name: Grit Fund
State: Maryland
County: Baltimore County (MD)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 04/15/2024
Size of the Grant: $1000 to $10,000
Grant Duration: 1 Year
Artists and cultural organizers create vital connections within the communities. But it can be difficult to find funding to create, collaborate, and make an impact. Grit Fund makes arts funding accessible for everyone. They focus on projects that bring artists and community members together to explore a sense of place and shared space.
Funding Information
Grit Fund awards money to collaborative, artist-led projects, that have a public facing element—up to $10,000.
Project Period
Grant Cycle: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.
What types of projects and arts initiatives are eligible for the Grit Fund?
- Collaborative projects led by visual and performing artists, cultural organizers, collectives, collaboratives, and/or artist-run spaces.
- You must be independent (or unincorporated). In other words, you can’t be registered as a business or organization.
- Only Baltimore City and Baltimore County based artists and organizers are eligible.
- Your project must take place in Baltimore City or County and be accessible to the general public.
What types of projects are not eligible?
- Projects that are not based in Baltimore City or Baltimore County.
- Projects initiated or organized by existing incorporated entities (includes LLC’s B Corps, 501(C)(3) organizations, and 501(c)(4) organizations), universities or schools (private, public, charter), religious institutions.
- Projects initiated or led by students currently enrolled in high school, college and/or university.
- Projects proposed by lead applicants younger than 21 years old. Proposed projects that include collaborators who are under the age of 21 must have a lead applicant who is at least 21 years old.
- Projects seeking support retroactively or seeking reimbursement for a past project.
- Proposals for funding to support a solo exhibition, travel costs, etc.
- Projects proposed by an individual artist to present their own work.
- Projects that do not have a public component.
For more information, visit Grit Fund.