Applicants are invited to apply for the Center for Fiction / Susan Kamil 2024–2025 Emerging Writer Fellowship.
Donor Name: The Center for Fiction
State: New York
Type of Grant: Fellowship
Deadline: 05/31/2024
Size of the Grant: $1000 to $10,000
Grant Duration: 1 Year
The Center for Fiction / Susan Kamil Emerging Writer Fellowships offer grants, editorial mentorship, and other opportunities to early-career New York City-based practitioners who are at a critical moment in their development as fiction writers.
During the one-year Fellowship period, Fellows receive:
- A grant of $5,000
- The opportunity to have their manuscript revised and critiqued by an experienced editor
- Access to write in the Writers Studio
- The opportunity to meet with editors, authors, and agents who represent new writers at monthly dinners
- Two public readings as part of the annual program of events
- A professional headshot for personal publicity use
- Inclusion in an anthology distributed to industry professionals
- Tickets to the First Novel Fête and/or Annual Awards Benefit
- Complimentary admission to all Center events
- A 25% discount on writing workshops at the Center
- A workshop on reading as performance, conducted by Audible.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must be current residents of one of the five boroughs and must remain in New York City for the entire year of the fellowship. Students in degree-granting programs are not eligible to apply. This program supports emerging writers whose work shows promise of excellence. Applicants can be of any age, but must be in the early stages of their careers as fiction writers and will not have had the support needed to achieve major recognition for their work. They define “emerging writer” as someone who has not yet had a novel or short story collection published by either a major or independent publisher, and who is also not currently under contract to a publisher for a work of fiction. Eligible applicants may have had stories or novel excerpts published in magazines, literary journals or online, but this is not a requirement. If at any point during the judging process an applicant signs a contract for publication or accepts an offer to study in a degree-granting program, he or she must alert us immediately to have the application pulled from consideration.
For more information, visit The Center for Fiction.