The Rosenberg Fund for Children provides for the educational and emotional needs of children (up to age 24) of targeted progressive activists, and youth (up to age 24) who are targeted activists themselves.
Donor Name: Rosenberg Fund for Children
State: All States
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 03/21/2023
Size of the Grant: $7500
The RFC defines “targeted activist” as someone who as a result of their activism has: lost a job; suffered physical or mental injury or disability; been harassed or discriminated against; been imprisoned; or died. “Progressive activities” are actions taken to further the beliefs that:
- All people have equal worth
- People are more important than profits
- World peace is a necessity
- Society must function within ecologically sustainable limits
The RFC provides four types of grants:
- Regular Grants for children 18 and younger who are the children of targeted activist and targeted activist youth
- Carry It Forward Awards (CIF) to assist beneficiaries aged 19 through 24 with the cost of books and supplies associated with post-high school education and training
- Special development grants of up to $1000 per year for targeted activist youth ages 18 to 24 to further their education, support their emotional needs or develop their organizing skills
- Attica Fund Prison Visit Award to allow children and youth up to age 24 to visit activist parents from whom they have been separated because the activist parent(s) has been imprisoned
The Rosenberg Fund for Children funds
Subject to financial considerations, the RFC funds such things as: counseling, school tuition, camp tuition, cultural lessons, after-school programs, prison visits, and supplies for college or a similar program to prepare beneficiaries for adult life. Whenever possible, the RFC prefers to make grants directly to programs or providers (e.g. tutors, dance teachers, summer camps, etc.), but when necessary will process grants as reimbursements to parents, legal guardians, or targeted activist youth.
Funding Information
- Regular Granting: Up to $3000 per child per year ($2,000 limit per granting cycle). Open to the children of targeted activists and to targeted activist youth. Maximum of $7500 per family per granting cycle.
- Carry It Forward (CIF): Once a year award of $600 for books and educational supplies. Open to the children of targeted activists and to targeted activist youth.
- Development Grants for Targeted Activist Youth: Once a year award of up to $1000 to further their education, support their emotional needs or develop their organizing skills. Open to Targeted Activist Youth only.
- Attica Fund Prison Visit Program: Once a year award of up to $2000 PER FAMILY for up to 3 visits per year. Open to the children of targeted activists and to targeted activist youth.
Who Can Apply
- Applications may be submitted by parents, custodians, and guardians to benefit children in the United States whose parents’ pursuit of progressive values has left them unable to fully provide for that child as a result of being targetedch. In addition, the young adult children of targeted activists may submit applications on their own behalf.
- Applications may also be submitted by, or on behalf of, targeted activist youth (TAY) whose targeting has resulted in a significant adverse life impact.
For more information, visit RFC.