The Greene County Community Foundation is seeking applications for grants to serve and enhance the quality of life in Greene County.
Donor Name: Greene County Community Foundation
State: Iowa
County: Greene County (IA)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 02/23/2023
Size of the Grant: up to $35,000
The mission of the Greene County Community Foundation (the “Foundation”) is to foster private giving, strengthen service providers and improve the overall well-being of the county’s residents. The Foundation works to build its endowment fund which in turn provides grants to accomplish its goals. The Foundation encourages you to submit a grant application that does one of the following:
- Supports strong, stable families and provides solid beginnings for children and youth.
- Serves as a catalyst for youth and recreational activities.
- Helps to promote elder care, support services and an active senior population.
- Promotes the health, education and vitality of the community.
- Addresses community needs for police, fire and emergency services.
- Assists in developing quality jobs, tourism and economic development.
- Helps make our community more attractive, livable and cohesive.
Funding Information
The maximum grant request to Greene County Community Foundation is $35,000. Grants more than $35,000 must be submitted to Grow Greene County.
Eligibility Criteria
Only the following entities can receive Foundation grants:
- Nonprofit organizations with a 501(c) (3) status.
- Government entities, such as cities, counties and schools.
- Groups sponsored by a government entity or another 501(c) (3) that agrees to manage then grant funds (the “Fiscal Sponsor”).
- No federal funds or Grow Greene County direct grants may be used as an in-kind match.
- All projects must take place within Greene County.
For more information, visit Greene County Community Foundation.