Applicants are now invited to submit applications for Far Western Foundation Grant Program.
Donor Name: Far Western Foundation
State: Selected States
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 11/15/2023
Size of the Grant: up to $10,000
Far Western Anthropological Research Group, a highly successful Cultural Resource Management firm with a 40-year track record of research and publication, has initiated a non-profit foundation: The Far Western Foundation. Partnering with an advisory board which includes professors and museum personnel, the foundation is dedicated to providing grants to individuals and organizations engaged in the study and appreciation of the archaeology and anthropology of western North America. With a strong commitment to diversity, the foundation is also focused on supporting innovative study and expanding the circle of participants at all levels of the research experience. This includes encouraging Native American participation in the research process and supporting diversity in traditional narratives of the past.
Grant Categories
- Relating to the first goal of the program, the Far Western Foundation is offering grants of up to $10,000 to be used as seed money for innovative research. The geographic focus should be California, the Great Basin, and the greater American West. A broad range of applicants are welcome, with additional consideration for students, early-career educators, Native American scholars, and CRM professionals. Proposals integrating the publication of CRM-generated data, reporting, and museum collections are encouraged, as are collaborative efforts between archaeologists and tribal members in these efforts.
- The second goal emphasizes support of Native American scholars and other communities that tend to be underrepresented in the discipline, both at the undergraduate and graduate school levels and in professional CRM. While the Foundation is interested in students studying all aspects of anthropology, consideration will also be given to scholars in aligned fields, such as Native American studies, geography, history, and environmental science and management. Foundation Board Members are currently interacting with university professors and tribal leaders from across the American West to help identify potential candidates. Awards ranging in amounts from $2000-10,000 will be considered. The funding can be used for a variety of purposes ranging from focused research projects to offsetting the costs of a university education, field schools, and focused professional development and publication. Professors and supervisors of the successful candidates will be encouraged to take an active interest in the student’s work and reporting and maintain contact with an assigned member of the Foundation.
Eligibility Criteria
Awards are intended for individuals, graduate students, and select nonprofit organizations, particularly tribal organizations.
For more information, visit Far Western Foundation.