The City of Ashland is accepting proposals for the allocation of approximately $179,575 in Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) for the 2022 Program Year.
Donor Name: City of Ashland
State: Oregon
City: Ashland
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 02/16/2024
Size of the Grant: $100,000 to $500,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
The City of Ashland may not receive final notification of the annual CDBG award amount from the Department of Housing and Urban Development until after awards have been made. The estimate is included to provide guidance to applicants regarding the expected amount of available funds. The City will reserve the right to award more or less than this estimate depending on the final entitlement amount authorized by Congress and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
To utilize CDBG funds most effectively to address the highest priority needs, the City has limited the award of CDBG funds to fewer than three projects that provide housing to extremely low, low-moderate income, and special needs households, and social service activities addressing the Homeless or Special Needs goals.
Appropriate projects may include land acquisition for the construction of affordable housing, acquisition, and repair of existing housing for low-income households. Additionally, support services for homelessness prevention and transition as part of a comprehensive approach that improves the living conditions of clients, or housing support and supportive services for people with special needs are also eligible uses of CDBG funds under the 2020-2024 CDBG Consolidated Plan.
High Priority
- Create and maintain affordable housing units/units occupied by low- moderate income and/or presumed benefit populations.
- Goal Outcomes:
- Number of Rental Units Constructed
- Number of Ownership Units Deed Restricted
- Number of Housing Units receiving repairs or ADA improvements that promote ADA accessibility, architectural barrier removal and other modifications and improvements that increase the supply of housing suitable for all ages and abilities.
- Goal Outcomes:
- Support services for homelessness outreach, prevention and transition.
- Goal Outcomes:
- Rent/Security deposit assistance to prevent or alleviate homelessness
- Outreach/direct services to homeless populations
- Goal Outcomes:
- Support housing and services for peoples with special needs (peoples with special needs include the elderly, the frail elderly, persons with developmental disabilities, persons with physical disabilities, persons with severe mental illness, persons with alcohol or drug dependence, persons with HIV/AIDS).
- Goal Outcomes:
- Number of beneficiaries with increased or improved access to housing opportunities
- Number of beneficiaries receiving new or improved access to supportive services that improve health, safety, general welfare and/or self
- Goal Outcomes:
Medium Priority
- Support economic development activities that assist in reducing poverty among low-, moderate-income, and special needs populations.
- Goal Outcomes:
- Number of beneficiaries with new or improved access to job training or employment related education, training services
- Goal Outcomes:
Low Priority
- Improve safety and access in neighborhoods and areas throughout the City.
- Goal Outcomes:
- Number of newly installed or improved wheelchair ramps
Linear feet of sidewalk completed in qualified low-income census block groups
- Improve transportation options for low-income and special needs populations
- Goal Outcomes:
- Number of beneficiaries with new or improved access to transportation resources
Funding Information
Under CDBG regulatory limits only 15% of the anticipated 2024 allocation is available for social services and thus such awards are limited to approximately $26,936. The amount of funding available for award to capital improvement projects is approximately $143,660.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must be a unit of government or a non-profit 501(C) (3) charitable organization.
For more information, visit City of Ashland.