The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement is to invite proposals for funding from capable applicants to eligible small business concerns under the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Program to promote the development, success and long-term strength of small businesses providing specialized management and technical assistance, entrepreneurial education and training in delivering of vital business development services to Native American business communities across the country.
Donor Name: Small Business Administration
State: Selected States
County: Selected Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 08/05/2023
Size of the Grant: $160,000
Grant Duration: 12 months
The Office of Native American Affairs (ONAA) mission is to ensure that American Indian, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians (referred to collectively as Native American) seeking to create, develop and expand small businesses have full access to the business development and expansion tools available through the Agency’s entrepreneurial development, lending and procurement programs. ONAA’s overarching goal is to promote and support American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiian entrepreneurs. In recent years, ONAA has successfully sponsored and managed nationwide contractor-led workshops and roundtables, co-sponsored agreements, interagency agreements, and tribal consultations; developed and distributed promotional materials; and attended and participated in national and regional economic development conferences as subject matter experts for these groups. Foundation’s vision for this program initiative is not to encourage duplication of what ONAA has traditionally done in the past, but to solicit new innovative approaches to meet the needs of these targeted groups at the microenterprise level of business ownership. The focus of this program initiative is to target specific Native American business operations in underserved markets throughout the country including underserved microenterprise Native American firms to further expand their business development offerings. Additionally, ONAA’s vision is to support microenterprises that serve their communities and the surrounding communities. Such empowerment will serve to maximize economic impact and improve quality of life for the targeted underserved communities.
Funding Information
- SBA expects to issue up to $320,000 in total under this announcement. SBA anticipates the amount of funding provided under each award will be in the range of $160,000. However, in the interest of promoting specialized services to areas with a population of Native Americans
- Awards will be made for four years of performance, consisting of a base period of 12 months from the date of award and 4 option periods of twelve months each.
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be an eligible applicant for this funding opportunity an applicant must:
- Are located in and/or intend to provide services to Native entrepreneurs in either the Southwest or Great Plains regions.
- Be a for-profit or not-for-profit entity (including, but not limited to small businesses, other than small businesses, trade and professional associations, educational institutions, and Native Community Development Financial Institutions);
- Must have been in existence continually for at least the past three years;
- Must demonstrate substantive experience dealing with issues related to the Native American population and small businesses located in areas with population of Native Americans and,
- Must demonstrate that it has a track record and the capacity in providing assistance to Native American Micro Enterprise and small businesses.
Ineligible Applicants
The following organizations will automatically be considered ineligible and their applications will be rejected without being evaluated:
- Any entity that carries federal debt subject to offset;
- Any entity that is currently suspended, debarred or otherwise prohibited from receiving awards of contracts or grants from the federal government;
- Any entity that has an outstanding and unresolved material deficiency reported under that requirements of the Single Audit Act or OMB Circular A-133 within the past three years;
- Any entity that has had a 7j grant or cooperative agreement involuntarily terminated or non-renewed by SBA for cause within the past year;
- Any entity that has filed bankruptcy within the past five years;
- Any entity that proposes to serve as a pass-through and permit another organization to manage the day-to-day operations of the project; and/or
- Any organization that was convicted, or had an officer or agent acting on its behalf convicted, of a felony criminal violation under any Federal law within the past two years.
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