Through this Request for Proposals (“RFP”), the Massachusetts Clean Energy Technology Center (“MassCEC”) is offering Climate-Critical Workforce Training, Equipment, and Infrastructure Grants (“Climate Training Grants”).
Donor Name: Massachusetts Clean Energy Technology Center (MassCEC)
State: Massachusetts
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 05/15/2024
Size of the Grant: $500,000 to $1 million
Grant Duration: 2 Years
The Climate Training Grants will increase access to modern, relevant training equipment and infrastructure and provide direct funding and technical assistance support to organizations that can build and scale career pathways and upskilling programs that help Massachusetts residents access and advance in climate-critical priority occupations.
The Climate Training grants are designed to help Massachusetts meet clean energy and climate tech employer needs while providing high-quality training and support opportunities for residents across the Commonwealth. Applicants may apply for Climate Training Grants for programming that falls within one (1) or more of the following categories:
- Strand A: Career Pathway Training Leading to Employment in Climate-Critical Priority Occupations;
- Strand B: Climate-Critical Upskilling for Incumbent Workers; or
- Strand C: Equipment and Infrastructure to Support Climate-Critical Training.
Climate-Critical Workforce Training, Equipment, and Infrastructure FY24 Grants Goals
This solicitation is intended to help build job training and support capacity to fill gaps in the workforce for climate-critical sectors through a range of project and program models, all of which should center employer and participant needs in the design and program implementation. These funds will enable applicants to:
- Expand recruitment pipelines to broaden access to climate-critical priority occupations.
- Create new and/or expand technical and job readiness training opportunities to provide the skills necessary to attain placement in climate-critical priority occupations.
- Create new and/or expand career advancement programming and upskilling training opportunities to help workers gain valuable skills while businesses expand capacity to support the state’s climate goals.
- Leverage effective workforce development models like registered apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships by providing the resources to launch and/or expand programs.
- Develop and nurture new relationships with employers in climate-critical sectors to develop job placements and identify avenues for career growth.
- Establish and grow wraparound and retention support services to address potential barriers to entry and advancement in climate-critical occupations.
- Expand the availability and/or effectiveness of climate-critical training by securing modern equipment and infrastructure resources for their programming.
Funding Information
- Anticipated Available Funding: $6,450,000.
- Strand A: Career Pathway Training Leading to Employment in Climate-Critical Priority Occupations: $100,000- $800,000
- Project Period: One (1) to Two (2) year award.
- Strand B: ClimateCritical Upskilling for Incumbent: $100,000- $600,000
- Project Period: One (1) to Two (2) year award.
- Strand C: Equipment and Infrastructure to Support ClimateCritical Training: $50,000- $750,000
- Project Period: One (1) year to Eighteen (18) month award.
Eligibility Criteria
The following entities are eligible to serve as a Lead Applicant with the following conditions:
- Community-Based Entities (often referred to as CBOs) such as community action partnerships, environmental justice organizations, neighborhood revitalization organizations, advocacy groups, affordable housing providers, affordable housing developers, and non-profits.
- Community Colleges, Colleges, or Universities, Comprehensive and Vocational High Schools, and Vocational Schools offering an after-hours or Career Technical Initiative evening training program.
- For-Profit entities such as for-profit training companies, trade associations, unions or other coalitions of businesses, clean energy installers, energy efficiency or home performance contractors, financial institutions, or other clean energy practitioners.
- Workforce Development Organizations, both non-profit and for-profit.
- MassHire Workforce Investment Boards and Career Centers.
For more information, visit MassCEC.