The Administration on Aging (AoA), an agency within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), intends to award one cooperative agreement designed to better understand and address the needs of the Aging Network by documenting and reporting on Area Agencies on Aging and Tribal Organizations activities and expertise in health and the delivery of community based services and supports.
Donor Name: Administration for Community Living
State: All States
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 06/05/2024
Size of the Grant: $100,000 to $500,000
Grant Duration: 3 Years
The primary goal for this initiative is to increase ACL and the Aging Network’s understanding of how Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), Title VI (Tribal Organizations), and other agencies as appropriate, are adapting, enhancing, and expanding services and supports to meet current and future needs of older adults and their caregivers.
ACL has identified topical areas of critical importance to both the agency and the Administration. Applicants should consider how the following priority topics will figure into the grantee’s overall goals and objectives over the life of the project;
- Family caregiving and the caregiving economy
- Contracts and commercial relationships
- State/local multi-sector plans on aging
- Implications of the crisis in the direct care workforce
- Vaccine Access
- Title III/VI coordination
Funding Information
- Estimated Total Funding: $250,000
- Award Ceiling: $250,000
- Award Floor: $200,000
Length of Project Period
36-month project period with three 12-month budget periods.
Eligibility Criteria
Domestic public or private non-profit entities including state and local governments, Indian tribal governments and organizations (American Indian/Alaskan Native/Native American), faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, hospitals, and institutions of higher education.
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