The Brandywine Conservancy is pleased to launch the Brandywine Creek Greenway’s (BCG) new Mini-Grant Program for 2023-2024.
Donor Name: Brandywine Conservancy
State: Pennsylvania
City: Coatesville
Township: Selected Township
Borough: Downingtown, Honey Brook, Modena, South Coatesville
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 09/29/2023
Size of the Grant: $2,000 to $25,000
The Brandywine Creek Greenway Mini Grant Program is a reimbursement funding program, which is supported by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR). The Brandywine Creek Greenway Mini Grant Program is administered by the Brandywine Conservancy, the coordinator of the Brandywine Creek Greenway. The Brandywine Conservancy was awarded $85,000 from the DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Program Environmental Stewardship Fund administered by the Bureau of Recreation and Conservation (BRC) for the 2023-2024 Brandywine Creek Greenway Mini Grant Program.
Goals and Objectives
- Goal 1 Transportation: To provide safe transportation alternatives for walking, bicycling, and equestrian users.
- Objective 1 Preserve and maintain existing multi-use trails and develop connecting links between Greenway hubs and major destinations.
- Objective 2 Enhance the safety along existing bike routes.
- Objective 3 Provide safe transportation for existing horse-drawn carriage routes, especially in agricultural areas.
- Goal 2 Conservation: To protect and improve vital natural resources within the Brandywine watershed.
- Objective 1 Maintain, enhance, and restore habitat corridors.
- Objective 2 Protect existing riparian corridors.
- Objective 3 Restore forest cover along riparian buffers.
- Objective 4 Preserve existing woodlands.
- Objective 5 Preserve agricultural lands and soils.
- Objective 6 Preserve and enhance water quality.
- Objective 7 Protect sensitive plant and animal habitats and important bird areas from recreational overuse.
- Goal 3 Recreation: To promote and enhance the recreational use of municipal, county, and state-owned recreational open space.
- Objective 1 Create an interconnected network of pedestrian and bicycle paths that connect neighborhoods to public recreational lands and schools.
- Objective 2 Protect and expand the equestrian trail network to connect with Marsh Creek State Park, Honey Brook Borough, Elverson Borough, Welsh Mountain Trail, Struble Trail, and the Horseshoe Trail.
- Objective 3 Ensure that residents of all ages and abilities have access, where feasible, to recreational facilities such as parks and trails.
- Objective 4 Improve public access to the Brandywine Creek.
- Goal 4 Flood Control: To mitigate flooding in flood-prone areas.
- Objective 1 Reduce impervious surfaces and increase infiltration in developed headwater areas.
- Objective 2 Increase percentage of tree cover to reduce runoff and maximize evapotranspiration.
- Objective 3 Observe recommendations in the Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan for Chester County, as appropriate.
- Goal 5 Culture: To preserve nationally and municipally designated historic resources and their surrounding landscapes.
- Objective 1 Protect and promote the historic structures, districts, trails, and cultural features of the Brandywine Valley.
- Objective 2 Link historic features
- Goal 6 Aesthetics: To protect state and municipally designated scenic resources and buffer scenic resources from new development.
- Objective 1 Preserve the scenic integrity of the Lower Brandywine PA Scenic River Corridor.
- Objective 2 Protect and preserve the scenic resources along the Brandywine Valley Scenic Byway.
- Objective 3 Designate new scenic roads where deemed appropriate.
- Goal 7 Education: To foster education of the Brandywine Creek and its watershed.
- Objective 1 Raise awareness of the importance of conservation and best land management practices.
- Objective 2 Educate residents regarding the natural, recreational, and cultural features within the Greenway corridor.
- Objective 3 Raise awareness of the regional context and local identity of the Greenway with area stakeholders and groups such as the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), Chester County Planning Commission (CCPC), Delaware County Planning Department (DCPD), and the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR).
- Goal 8 Economic Prosperity: To foster economic activity in urbanized areas.
- Objective 1 Increase the number of visitors to existing recreational facilities within the Greenway.
- Objective 2 Implement regional open space and transportation initiatives such as the Central Chester County Bicycle and Pedestrian Circulation Plan, the Struble Trail, and the Chester Valley Trail.
- Objective 3 Promote the city and boroughs as trail towns that offer a range of goods and services for Greenway visitors.
Funding Information
This program will provide mini grants of $2,000 to $25,000 to projects that support and advance the goals and objectives of the Brandywine Creek Greenway.
Eligible Projects
- Eligible projects should advance the Strategic Action Plan of the Brandywine Creek Greenway and may also reference county level planning documents such as Chester County’s Landscapes3 or Delaware County’s Open Space, Recreation, and Greenway Plan or municipal level planning documents such as a Comprehensive Plan, Open Space Plan, or Park Master Plan.
- All projects must be located within the Pennsylvania portion of the Brandywine Creek Greenway which is depicted in green on the map on this page and includes Birmingham Township, Caln Township, Chadds Ford Township, the City of Coatesville, Downingtown Borough, East Bradford Township, East Brandywine Township, East Caln Township, East Fallowfield Township, Honey Brook Township, Honey Brook Borough, Kennett Township, Modena Borough, Newlin Township, Pennsbury Township, Pocopson Township, South Coatesville Borough, Upper Uwchlan Township, Uwchlan Townsip, Valley Township, Wallace Township, West Bradford Township, West Brandywine Township, West Caln Township, and West Nantmeal Township.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible applicants include Pennsylvania non-profit organizations with tax-exempt status 501(c)(3), municipalities, counties, and some educational institutions. Non-profit organizations must submit proof of non-profit status and be registered with the PA Department of State Bureau of Charitable Organizations.
For more information, visit Brandywine Conservancy.