Applicants are invited to apply for the Foothills Community Partnership Charitable Grant Fund.
Donor Name: Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama
State: Alabama
County: Calhoun County (AL)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 08/15/2024
Size of the Grant: $1000 to $10,000
Grant Duration: 1 Year
Grants from the Foothills Community Partnership Charitable Grant Fund are restricted to 501(c)(3) qualified public charities operating in Calhoun County, Alabama. The purpose of the FCPCF Fund is to benefit and enhance the sustainability of services of non-profit organizations that address human care issues in the Calhoun County, Alabama. The Fund’s focus is on programs and projects that address the following community issues:
- Education
- Community and economic development
- Safety and wellness
Funding Information
Grant awards under $3,000.00 will receive 100% of the award amount upon receipt of the signed grant agreement.
Funding Duration
Grant activities supported by a FCPCF award may be sustained for one year, after the date the award is announced.
Eligibility Criteria
Organizations that meet the following requirements are eligible to apply for a grant. All five (5) requirements must be met.
- Organizations classified by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service under Section 501(c)(3) of the I.R.S. code as a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization, donations which are deductible as charitable contributions or a governmental/state or county agency;
- Organizations with a minimum one-year operating history after the date of receipt of its 501 (c)(3) classification;
- Organization must have a board approved current written strategic plan for the whole organization that covers at least 24 months which includes the organization’s entire current fiscal year and the following:
- Mission statement;
- Strategic goals and measurable objectives.
- Organizations with revenues over $200,000.00 must submit an audited financial statement for a complete fiscal year. Organizations with an operating budget between $50,000.00- $199,999.00mustsubmitthemostrecent audit review or compilation. Organizations with an operating budget of $50,000.00 and below do not have to submit any audited documents.
- Eligible organizations are invited to apply for a grant from any fund of the Foundation accepting applications (both grant cycles) as long as you do not have an open grant with the particular fund you wish to apply to.
Funding Restrictions
In compliance with federal regulations and Community Foundation policies, the following types of grants will not be considered or funded:
- Organizations that have discriminatory policies and/or practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex/gender, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information or political beliefs;
- Organizations with no 501(c)(3) IRS status unless you are a government/state agency;
- Organizations on the National Charity Watch List;
- Grants for dinners, fundraising and marketing events;
- Grants to endowments or other discretionary funding pools;
- Grants for capital campaign contributions (for building construction) or use of funds to cover capital campaign feasibility studies or campaign implementation expenses. This does not include regular maintenance;
- Grants for exhibitions and employee conference registrations, mileage to conference and conference fees;
- Grants for prizes, awards and scholarships;
- Grants for entertainment expenses;
- Grants for lobbying-related expenses;
- Grants for event sponsorships;
- Grants to organizations operating less than one year;
- Grants to individuals;
- Grants to religious organizations for religious purposes;
- Grants to organizations for projects outside CFNEA’s nine (9) county region;
- Grants for political purposes Orto influence elections; and
- Organizations that have an existing/open grant from the Foundation may not apply for a new grant within the same fund until the current grant documentation is completed and closed. For a grant to be considered completed and closed, the not-for-profit partner must have successfully submitted their Final Grant Report.
For more information, visit CFNEA.