The West Valley Mavericks Foundation is seeking applications for its Beneficiary Grant to assist families, children, and others in need and to improve the quality of life specifically in the West Valley communities to Arizona based organizations.
Donor Name: West Valley Mavericks Foundation
State: Arizona
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline (mm/dd/yyyy): 01/15/2022
Size of the Grant: $1,000
The organization also grants awards to beneficiaries annually with funding amounts changing annually.
Funding Guidelines
To be eligible, a charity must hold a current 501(c)(3) non-profit status and be active in Arizona. The West Valley Mavericks Foundation reserves the right to accept or reject any application and to approve or disapprove any proposal for funding, including for incomplete applications. The West Valley Mavericks Foundation also reserves the right to change the application criteria at any time.
In order to be considered for a grant greater than $1,000, the non-profit organization must have had 501(c)(3) status for more than three years.
The West Valley Mavericks Foundation does not provide funding to:
- Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, marital status, age, disability, or veteran Individuals, Political, labor or fraternal organizations.
- Funding advocacy or lobbying activities for issue related topics.
- Funding medical or scientific research.
- Endowments, fellowships or individual scholarships.
- Religious organizations, churches, or programs that are purely denominational in purpose.
- Foundations or organizations, which are themselves, grant-making entities.
- Individual schools and their support organizations (including Booster Clubs, PTA/PTO’s, athletic teams, bands, performing arts groups, alumni associations or reunions).
- Funding debt reduction campaigns.
- Funding for general operating needs or ongoing support.
- Funding for project’s and/or program’s outside of Maricopa County, unless the endeavor serves primarily Maricopa County residents, status.
For more information, visit Beneficiary Grant.