The Administration for Community Living is soliciting applications for its Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects Program: Health and Function (Development).
Donor Name: Administration for Community Living
State: All States
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 04/08/2024
Size of the Grant: $100,000 to $500,000
Grant Duration: 5 Years
The Administrator of the Administration for Community Living establishes a priority for a Disability Rehabilitation Research Project (DRRP) on Health and Function Among People with Disabilities. Under this priority, applicants must propose a research project that is aimed at improving health and function outcomes among people with disabilities. In carrying out a research project under this program, a grantee must identify one or more hypotheses or research questions, and, based on the hypotheses or research questions identified, perform an intensive, systematic study directed toward producing
- new or full scientific knowledge or
- understanding of the subject or problem studied.
To contribute to this outcome, the DRRP must–
- Conduct research in one or more of the following priority areas, focusing on people with disabilities as a group or on individuals in specific disability or demographic subpopulations of people with disabilities:
- Technology to improve health and function outcomes among people with disabilities.
- Individual and environmental factors associated with improved health and function outcomes among people with disabilities.
- Interventions that are designed to contribute to improved heath and function outcomes among people with disabilities. Interventions include any strategy, practice, program, policy, or tool that, when implemented as intended, contributes to improvements in health and function outcomes among people with disabilities.
- Effects of government policies and programs on health and function outcomes among people with disabilities.
- Practices and policies that contribute to improved health and function outcomes among transition-aged youth with disabilities.
- Demonstrate in its original application that people with disabilities from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds will be included in study samples in sufficient numbers to generate knowledge and products that are relevant to the racial and ethnic diversity of the population of people with disabilities being studied. The DRRP must describe and justify in its original application, the planned racial and ethnic distribution of people with disabilities who will participate in the proposed research activities.
- Focus its research on a specific stage of research. If the DRRP is to conduct research that can be categorized under more than one stage, including research that progresses from one stage to another, those stages must be clearly specified and justified. These stages: exploration and discovery, intervention development, intervention efficacy, and scale-up evaluation, are defined in this funding opportunity announcement. Applicants must justify the need and rationale for research at the proposed stage or stages and describe fully an appropriate methodology or methodologies for the proposed research.
- Conduct knowledge translation activities (i.e., utilization, dissemination) in order to facilitate stakeholder (e.g., people with disabilities, service providers, policymakers, practitioners) use of the knowledge, interventions, programs, technologies, or products that result from the research activities conducted under paragraph (1)(a) of this priority.
- Involve people with disabilities in the activities conducted under paragraph (a) and (d) of this priority in order to maximize the relevance and usability of the products to be generated under this priority.
Funding Information
- Estimated Total Funding: $500,000
- Award Ceiling: $500,000
- Award Floor: $495,000
Project Period
60-month project period.
Eligibility Criteria
States; public or private agencies, including for-profit agencies; public or private organizations, including for-profit organizations; IHEs; and Indian tribes and tribal organizations.
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