The Carls Foundation is seeking applications for its grant program for children’s welfare and preservation of natural areas.
Donor Name: The Carls Foundation
State: Michigan
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 11/01/2022
Size of the Grant: $50,000
The Carls Foundation has broadly defined charitable purposes, but the principal purpose and mission of the Foundation as outlined by its donor-founder and its Trustees is as follows:
- Children’s Welfare (primarily in Michigan) including:
- Health care facilities and programs, with special emphasis on the prevention and treatment of hearing impairment;
- Recreational, educational and welfare programs especially for children who are disadvantaged for economic and/or health reasons; and
- Preservation of natural areas, open space and historic buildings and areas having special natural beauty or significance in maintaining America’s heritage and historic ideals, through assistance to land trusts and land conservancies and directly related environmental educational programs.
Funding Information
The typical, and by far most numerous, grants made by The Carls Foundation are in the $5,000 to $50,000 range, to organizations with 501(c)(3) status, whose programs are effective and innovative, and fall within the stated purpose and mission.
Eligibility Criteria
In terms of total dollar amounts, recent grants principally have been allocated within the state of Michigan, for capital items, or for new and innovative programs. All grants have been made to non-profit organizations with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
Application Requirements
- The Carls Foundation has no formal application for grant requests. A letter of inquiry is not required and phone calls are welcome. A request for funds should minimally include the following:
- Cover letter signed by the chief executive officer briefly stating the reason and the amount requested,
- Project description and budget,
- Organization history,
- Pertinent financial data for the organization,
- Amount requested,
- Evidence of tax status; copy of the Internal Revenue Service exemption letter.
For more information, visit TCF.