Applications are now being accepted for the 2024 Harry Allen Gregg Foundation Grant Program.
Donor Name: Harry Allen Gregg Foundation
State: New Hampshire
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 07/30/2024
Size of the Grant: $1000 to $10,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
Funding Information
Grants are limited to $1,200.
What are acceptable requests for funding?
Examples of acceptable purposes include, but are not limited to:
- Costs (up to $500) of non-reimbursed medical or therapy treatments not covered by insurance or other programs
- Continuing education or career development opportunities
- Specialty equipment services or supplies
- Respite services to the recipient or caregivers
- Computers (up to $500) and adaptive software
- Camp tuition and recreational activities – applications for camp tuition or recreational activities are reviewed and awarded on an ongoing basis starting in February. The funds go quickly; applications submitted early in the year are more likely to be funded
- Vocational, academic classes or specialized (requiring vehicle modifications or specialized instruction) driver evaluation and training
- Modifications to living area, work site or vehicle (vehicle repairs up to $500 with written estimate with limit of two grants).
Who may apply?
Individuals and/or their families with physical, developmental or emotional disabilities. The person receiving the award must be a New Hampshire resident. Grants are awarded for people with the following disabilities:
- Physical Disability
- A physical disability is a condition that presents a long-term barrier to independently accomplishing tasks of daily living including walking and driving. People with temporary conditions expected to improve or are sufficiently controlled with medication or treatment such as a broken bone, asthma, recovery from surgery or short-term illness would not qualify.
- Emotional Disability – Adults
- Adults diagnosed with a Severe and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) which includes schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder and borderline personality disorder are eligible.
- Emotional Disability – Children
- Eligible diagnoses for children are broader but must constitute a significant mental health issue that impacts their daily level of functioning.
- Intellectual, Cognitive, Learning or Developmental Disability
- People with acquired intellectual/cognitive disabilities from brain injury, dementia or who are identified with a developmental disability or delay or significant learning disability by an MD, social service agency or other qualified medical or human service entity may be eligible for Harry Gregg funds.
For more information, visit Harry Allen Gregg Foundation.