The Oregon Department of Transportation is requesting applications for its 2024 Small City Allotment Grants.
Donor Name: Oregon Department of Transportation
State: Oregon
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 08/31/2024
Size of the Grant: $100,000 to $500,000
Grant Duration: 2 Years
The Small City Allotment (SCA) program is an annual allocation of state funds for local transportation projects. Incorporated cities with populations of 5,000 or less are eligible to apply. SCA funds may only be used upon streets that are “”inadequate for the capacity they serve or are in a condition detrimental to safety”” (ORS 366.805). Each project will be evaluated and scored on existing conditions and proposed improvements. Projects compete only against other projects within the same region.
Funding information
Project funding is limited to $250,000 per project.
Project Details
Here is a list of the possible items that may be a part of your project:
- Resurfacing
- Storm Sewer
- Curbs
- Gutters
- Walkways
- Curb Ramp
- Bike Lanes
- Multi-use Paths
- Bridge Work
- Right of Way
- Other.
Eligibility Criteria
In addition to being an incorporated city with a population of 5,000 or fewer, cities must have all previously awarded Small City Allotmentprojects completed and their final reimbursement request submitted to ODOT prior to September 1, 2024, to be eligible to apply. If you think you might be able to meet the deadline, they recommend that you go ahead and apply. If it turns out the reimbursement request is not complete or if ODOT does not issue Project Acceptance prior to November 1st, the application will be removed from consideration.
- Construction of new streets
- Paving parking lots
- Right of Way expenses
- Improvements outside of the public Right of Way
- Costs to adjust, reconstruct or relocate utilities.
- Equipment, tools, or materials that could be used for work outside of the project.
- Costs incurred prior to the execution of the agreement or after the project termination date.
- Administrative services performed by the recipient.
For more information, visit ODOT.