The Legacy Land Conservation Program is opening its Fiscal Year 2025 Land Acquisition Grant Application Cycle.
Donor Name: Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources
State: Hawaii
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 10/11/2024
Size of the Grant: Not Available
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
The Legacy Land Conservation Program provides grants to community organizations and government agencies that strive to purchase and protect land that shelters exceptional, unique, threatened, and endangered resources.
The State of Hawai‘i dedicates a portion of its annual revenue from real estate conveyance taxes to the Land Conservation Fund. Each year the State Legislature provides the Legacy Land Conservation Program with some of the money held in the Fund. The Legacy Land Conservation Program distributes this money through a competitive grants process for purchasing land and conservation easements that protect the following resources:
- Agricultural
- Habitat
- Parks
- Coastal
- Natural areas
- Recreation/Hunting
- Cultural/Historic
- Open space/Scenic
- Watershed
Eligibility Criteria
State agencies, counties, and nonprofit land conservation organizations may apply for grants from the Land Conservation Fund. County and nonprofit awardees must provide matching funds that cover at least 25% of total transaction costs.
For more information, visit HDLNR.