The Science and Technology Sustained Support Grant provides general operating funds to non-profit groups across King County.
Donor Name: 4Culture
State: Washington
County: King County (WA)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 09/04/2024
Size of the Grant: Not Available
Grant Duration: 1 Year
The Science and Technology Sustained Support provides general operating funds to non-profit groups across King County. These awards provide unrestricted operating funds to organizations delivering science and technology-focused programs and services for the benefit of the public.
A Science organization is one whose organizational mission statement includes an explicit focus on science or technology. Science is inclusive of basic research in natural and social sciences, characterized by a formalized framework that entails the reproducible testing and revision of falsifiable ideas based on observable facts, as well as formal and applied sciences, such as mathematics and engineering.
Grant Period
The 2025 program cycle will award funding for only one year.
Uses of Funds
A variety of expenses: operating costs related to science and technology programs and activities accessible to King County residents and visitors; staff salaries; utilities; supplies; fees; and services.
For this grant, they’ll look to see how well your organization shows the following:
- Resilience: your organization has clearly stated plans to remain in operation through 2025; Demonstrated organizational adaptability to changes in your community and in the field; and demonstrated responsiveness to your community’s needs.
- Public benefit: your organization offers substantial public benefits, including, but not limited to reduced cost or free admission, events, programs, or services offered to members of the public to increase access to science and technology experiences.
- Advancing equity: your organization has a focus on serving communities historically and currently underrepresented in scientific fields and denied the benefits of scientific research, especially communities affected by structural racism. This is not required for funding.
- Economic impact: your organization stimulates the local economy through spending on wages, goods, services; promoting tourism and visitor-related spending at local businesses; and contributions to community well-being and quality of life, which have indirect economic benefits.
- Science and Technology priorities: your organization makes a tangible contribution to the field. Priorities may include, but are not limited to, a focus on serving communities historically and currently underrepresented in scientific fields and denied the benefits of scientific research, e.g., women and LGBTQ+ communities; addressing gaps in the public’s understanding of science and technology; informing the public regarding timely questions involving science and technology related issues; and professional development.
Eligibility Criteria
- Science and Technology Sustained Support is available for King County-based non-profit organizations. They award these funds based on an organization’s overall mission and activities—this grant is not project-based.
- To be eligible for Science and Technology Sustained Support, your organization must:
- Be incorporated in the state of Washington.
- Be recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 OR have a fiscal sponsor that is also meets this same set of eligibility criteria.
- Have a mission that includes an explicit focus on science or technology. Science is inclusive of natural and social sciences, characterized by a formalized framework that entails the reproducible testing and revision of falsifiable ideas based on observable facts, as well as formal and applied sciences, such as mathematics and engineering. Applicants that are zoos or aquariums must also be accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.
- Have your primary location in King County and conduct a majority of your activities in King County.
Ineligibility Activities
Science and technology grants do not support the following activities:
- The conduct of primary research not directly providing experiences to the general public.
- Medical and public health practice, including but not limited to medical treatment, medical or nutritional advice, or medical instruction.
- Promoting pseudoscience, that is any system of beliefs or concepts that exhibits characteristics including but not limited to the inability in principle to be falsified by observable facts, lacking a research framework that tests and revises ideas based on observable facts, and/or has been demonstrated to be false by observable facts.
For more information, visit 4Culture.