The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) seeks to fund a training and technical assistance (TTA) provider to help correctional agencies implement meaningful policies, trainings, and practice changes to reduce the use of restrictive housing while maintaining institutional safety.
Donor Name: Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
State: All States
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 03/04/2025
Size of the Grant: More than $1 million
Grant Duration: 3 Years
Goals and Objectives
- Goal 1: Support the field to reduce the use of restrictive housing to align with research findings that it does not increase institutional or community safety and indicates negative impact on staff and people who are incarcerated.
- Objective 1: In coordination with BJA, competitively select six prison and/or jail facilities or agencies that operate them and are ready to reduce the use of restrictive housing.
- Objective 2: Engage with staff on restrictive housing units in confinement facilities to develop strategies and prepare to reduce the use of restrictive housing to include methods that comply with PREA standards 115.14, 115.43, and 115.68.
- Objective 3: Engage with people who are confined on restrictive housing units inconfinement facilities to develop strategies and prepare to reduce to reduce the use of restrictive housing.
- Objective 4: Implement staff-led strategies for reducing the use of restrictive housing while maintaining institutional safety.
- Goal 2: Create resources to guide efforts of correctional agencies and facilities engaged in or considering restrictive housing reform.
- Objective 1: Analyze the impact of these staff-led strategies on reducing restrictive housing for confined populations and on its impact of staff wellness for correctional staff who work on restrictive housing units.
- Objective 2: Develop practices for correctional agencies to use based on the analysis of staff-led restrictive housing efforts.
- Objective 3: Publish these resources through a variety of modalities, including but not limited to white-papers, webinars, and conference presentations.
- Goal 3: To deliver a range of effective and relevant TTA that empowers and enables corrections agencies in their efforts to reduce the use of restrictive housing while maintaining institutional safety.
- Objective 1: Relevance—Develop and deliver TTA that directly address the needs and challenges of the field and its workforce.
- Objective 2: Effectiveness—Measure the effectiveness of TTA to ensure it is achieving the intended outcomes and making a positive impact.
- Objective 3: Engagement—Create engaging and interactive training experiences that capture the attention and facilitate learning.
- Objective 4: Accessibility—Ensure all TTA are accessible taking into account background and learning style.
- Objective 5: Continuous Improvement—Regularly evaluate and refine TTA to ensure they remain, relevant, effective, and aligned with the evolving needs of the field.
Funding Information
Grant Period
36 months.
Eligibility Criteria
- Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
- Small businesses
- For profit organizations other than Small businesses
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
- Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
- Private institutions of higher education.
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