The U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) plans to fund up to 10 awards for two-year grants that strengthen state or territory No Wrong Door (NWD) System infrastructure to make it easier for individuals in need of long-term services and supports to connect to existing community resources.
Donor Name: Administration for Community Living
State: All States
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 03/17/2025
Size of the Grant: $100,000 to $500,000
Grant Duration: 2 Years
Applicants are encouraged to develop key goals for NWD enhancements to streamline access to public services, including increasing a person-centered workforce across all aging and disability networks, modernizing information technology systems, improving efficiency and effectiveness of referral processes, and more.
Project Goals
- This funding opportunity is designed to support state efforts to modernize access to LTSS through the NWD System. Applicants are encouraged to consider current and past efforts to engage federal, state, and community-based organizations in enhancing NWD operations, outcomes, and system processes.
- Applicants’ proposed goals and objectives must align with at least one of the four functions of NWD, as defined below. Additional context and examples can be found in this new resource: Resources to Strengthen No Wrong Door Systems, a compliment to the NWD Key Elements.
- Coordinating outreach and public education through key referral sources across community-based organizations, state agencies, technology systems, etc. that enhance cross-referrals and integrated partnerships with providers.
- Improving efficiency and effectiveness of intake, assessment, application, and eligibility determination processes through coordinated information sharing that streamlines the continuum of access to services.
- Ensuring governance and leadership to design, implement, and administer related policy, stakeholder inclusion, sustainability, continuous quality improvement, technology infrastructure, and resource allocation.
- Training a person-centered workforce that is culturally responsive and trained to facilitate informed choice, promote independence, and support individuals and caregivers in meeting their preferences and goals.
- Project goals can focus on one or more of these key objectives:
- Advance national NWD workforce through embedded training and standards for personand family-centered practices. Implement recommendations from the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers to make it easier for caregivers to navigate and access services and supports.
- Strategically align NWD goals with state-level policy initiatives and cross-sector planning efforts, such as Multisector Plans for Aging, to document and advance increased access to LTSS.
- Develop NWD impact and outcomes analysis and performance measures to demonstrate cost savings to Medicaid.
- Develop protocols for responding to disasters and emergency situations by ensuring NWD state partners have a role in responding to workforce capacity and safety issues, and continuing to provide essential services, to the degree possible.
- Accelerate opportunities for diverse funding and sustainability for enhancing NWD functions, including Medicaid Administrative Claiming, increasing public-private partnerships between CBOs and health care systems, and enhancing care transitions.
- Facilitate state access system efficiency by coordinating and collaborating with critical pathway providers such as primary care, hospitals, and nursing facilities (places where individuals and their caregivers end up when LTSS needs arise).
- Expand the landscape of community-based partners that support NWD efforts to increase the capacity to serve all populations.
- Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs),
- Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs),
- Centers for Independent Living (CILs),
- Developmental Disabilities Councils (DDC),
- University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education,
- Research & Service (UCEDDs),
- Mental/Behavioral health agencies,
- Traumatic Brain Injury provider agencies,
- Protection and Advocacy Agencies (P&A),
- Housing entities (i.e. Continuums of Care [CoCs] and Public Housing Agencies [PHA’s])
- Native American tribal organizations (American Indian/Alaskan Native/Native Hawaiian),
- Community care hubs (CCHs), and
- Other local organizations that serve persons with disabilities and/or older adults.
- Ensure referral processes and access points extend across all programs and services that support access to LTSS and expand upon goals for aligning health and social care.
- Housing
- Transportation
- Assistive Technology
- State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)/Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)
- Hospitals and health systems
- Nursing facilities
- 211 or other community service referral partners
- Other programs that serve older adults, individuals with disabilities and caregivers.
Funding Information
- Estimated Total Funding: $4,000,000
- Award Ceiling: $450,000
- Award Floor: $350,000.
Period of Performance
24-month project and budget period, forward funded.
Eligibility Criteria
Domestic public or private non-profit entities including state and local governments, Indian tribal governments and organizations (American Indian/Alaskan Native/Native American), faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, hospitals, and institutions of higher education.
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