The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CT DOT) is soliciting projects for the 2024 Active Transportation Microgrant Program.
Donor Name: Connecticut Department of Transportation
State: Connecticut
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 06/27/2024
Size of the Grant: $1000 to $10,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
This program provides funding for a variety of transportation projects including equitable, safe, accessible, and sustainable access to transportation by making conditions safer for people of all ages to walk, bike and roll, thereby encouraging more people to use these healthy and environmentally sustainable modes of travel.
Funding Information
The funding limits for Active Transportation Microgrants awarded for this solicitation range up to $5,000 for each grant.
Activities eligible for funding under this program
Activities eligible for funding under this program shall improve access and conditions for active transportation users. All eligible items are considered non-infrastructure and will not require design or construction including Items include one or more of the following:
- Bicycle helmets
- Bicycle locks
- Bicycle lights
- Bicycle maintenance training and materials (non-infrastructure)
- Rental of Bicycle fleets and/or purchase of bicycles including adaptive bicycles
- League Cycling Instructor (LCI) training
- Programs, events and materials for pedestrian and bicycle safety education
- Safety vests for pedestrians
Use of Funds
can only be used for eligible active transportation non-infrastructure items. Costs associated with engineering; rights-of-way negotiations and acquisitions; utility relocation; and public involvement, are the responsibility of the organization applying.
Eligibility Criteria
Municipalities, schools, school districts, and nonprofit organizations are encouraged to apply.
For more information, visit SCRCG.