The Utah Division of Arts & Museums is seeking applications for its Folk Arts Apprenticeship Grant to support master folk artists to work with an apprentice to share and preserve a traditional skill or art form.
Donor Name: Utah Division of Arts & Museums
State: Utah
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 07/19/2024
Size of the Grant: $1000 to $10,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
Folk Arts Apprenticeships enable qualified individuals to study with traditional mentors of Utah’s ethnic, Native, rural, and occupational communities who demonstrate a commitment to passing on cultural knowledge.
The mentor will receive a 1099 form for tax reporting purposes. This income may be subject to individual income tax.
- Mentor and apprentice(s) must design a work plan for their project with a clearly articulated timeline, budget, and end product.
- Apprenticeships can be conducted through short-term, intensive educational meetings, or be taught over a period of several months.
- Folk Arts Apprenticeship awardees must coordinate a site visit for documentation of the project with the Utah Division of Arts & Museums (UA&M) Folk Arts program staff during the course of the project.
- There must be a public presentation of the completed work after the conclusion of the project. There are many different forms of presentation that qualify under this requirement. It is strongly encouraged to discuss plans with the UA&M Folk Arts Coordinator before applying. They want to help you with this process.
- Arts forms considered “folk” or “traditional” are often shared within a community, family, or group and passed down between members of a shared community. Traditional art forms can vary greatly in medium and method. Performing arts such as singing, dancing, and drumming may qualify, as can crafts like weaving, custom gearmaking, and woodcarving. Other art forms, such as cultural foodways and traditional music, may qualify for a Folk Arts grant.
- Public presentations during the period of the apprenticeship may include demonstrations, public performances, workshops, and exhibitions, among others. These presentations should aim to strengthen the cultural heritage of your community or geographic region, and increase public awareness of traditional artistic expression in Utah.
Funding Information
Funds up to $5,000.
Funds may be used for
- Mentor’s teaching fee.
- In-state travel expense (mileage) for participating artists (they cannot pay for food or lodging from this grant).
- Supplies, tools, and other materials directly related to the project (excluding the purchase of musical instruments, outfits, or costumes).
- Space rental for teaching or performance purposes.
- Other costs directly associated with the proposed project.
Eligibility Criteria
- Mentors/Tradition Bearers who are recognized within their community.
- Applicants are eligible for apprenticeship grant funding every other year. If you were awarded funding in FY24, you will not be eligible for this category again until FY26.
- If a mentor is approached by multiple apprentices, the requests should be combined and submitted as one application.
- Emerging traditional artists and/or apprentices.
For more information, visit Utah Division of Arts & Museums.