The Yolo Voter Education Grant is seeking applications to increase local understanding of how to vote among voters from low-turnout precincts or voters from demographic groups with a history of lower turnout.
Donor Name: Yolo Community Foundation
State: California
County: Yolo County (CA)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 07/17/2024
Size of the Grant: $10,000 to $100,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
The Yolo Voter Education Grant, funded by the Walter & Evelyn Haas Fund and Yolo County, was piloted in advance of the 2024 primary elections and is being launched in advance of the 2024 general elections.
Funding Information
The total grantmaking pool is $75,000; our goal is to develop a portfolio of grantees that will collectively reach all of our priority geographic and demographic communities. Grant requests may be up to $10,000; organizations that plan to conduct outreach in multiple cities/regions within Yolo County may request up to $15,000.
Eligibility Criteria
- Grant recipients must be a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization or be fiscally sponsored by such an organization.
- Recipients must have demonstrated expertise in working with the geographic and/or demographic priority communities. All recipients should have extensive experience working in Yolo County.
- Geographic priority areas are those with lower voter turnout in recent elections, as indicated by lighter shading in the map available here.
- Demographic priority communities include Latinx, Asian Pacific Islander, and young voters. Programs should be executed between early August and early November 2024.
- Voter registration activities may NOT be funded with this grant.
- Proposals will be evaluated based on their anticipated effectiveness and reach in delivering the voter education messaging, as well as the applicant’s demonstrated capacity for delivering it effectively.
For more information, visit Yolo Community Foundation.