The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) offers a range of services to business owners including attraction, retention and expansion services, site selection, permit assistance, regulation guidance, small business assistance, international trade
development, assistance with state government, and much more.
Donor Name: Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development
State: California
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 09/09/2024
Size of the Grant: More than $1 million
Grant Duration: 3 Years
Fiscal Year 2024-25 CalCRG program priorities include proposals from organizations led by individuals directly impacted by the WoD, organizations that serve formerly incarcerated individuals, and organizations placing individuals in jobs. Preference Points will be allocated to proposals that match current CalCRG program priorities.
Funding Information
- A total of $48,000,000 is available.
- Applicants may request a minimum of $600,000 up to a maximum of $3,000,000 total.
Grant Term
June 2025 – May 2028. All grant funds must be expended during the 3-year grant term.
Eligibility Criteria
- Local Health Departments (LHDs) – Defined as any of the 61 California-identified local government health departments with a legally appointed Health Officer.
- Community-based Nonprofit Organizations (CBOs) – Defined as organizations established and focused on issues and concerns at the community level (neighborhood, city, county, region) that are representative of the populations or significant segments of the populations they provide services to in that community. They are often organized around a particular purpose or cause and tend to be grassroots in nature, working from the ground-level upward to create positive change and equity. All CBOs that apply for a grant from the CalCRG program must:
- Have been duly organized, in existence, and in good standing for at least six months prior to the date the Grant Solicitation is issued by GO-Biz;
- Be registered with the California Secretary of State’s Office, with an “Active” status (check SOS status here);
- Have a tax-exempt10 status with both the Internal Revenue Service (check IRS status here) and the California Franchise Tax Board (check FTB status here);
- Have a “Registry Status” of “Current” or “Exempt” with the California Attorney General’s Registry of Charitable Trusts (RCT)11 (check RCT status here);
- Have any other state or local licenses or certifications necessary to provide the proposed services (e.g., facility licensing by the Department of Health Care Services, etc.), if applicable; and o Have a physical address in California.
- Existing CalCRG program grantees – LHDs and CBOs that have a current CalCRG program grant, either as a single organization, or as part of a collaborative application, are eligible to apply only if their existing CalCRG program grant has been in effect for at least 12 months and they have expended at least 50 percent of their existing grant, as evidenced by invoices submitted and approved by the Phase 1 application deadline
For more information, visit GO-Biz.