Applicants are invited to apply for the 2024 Community Grants.
Donor Name: The Community Foundation of Shelby County
State: Ohio
County: Shelby County (OH)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 08/15/2024
Size of the Grant: $10,000 to $100,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
Community Grants are funded by charitable donations from people, organizations and businesses that create the following funds.
Unrestricted Funds – Can be used for a wide range of granting
- The Community Impact Fund
- The Monarch Machine Tool Company Legacy Fund
- The Prime the Pump Fund
- The Memory Fund
Restricted Funds – Awards to organizations whose requests fulfill a specific purpose
- The Roscoe Beanblossom Fund – Support needy and worthy Shelby County youth
- The John Douglas Long Blind Fund – Benefits Shelby County residents affected or afflicted by blindness or seriously impaired eyesight
- The Shelby County Medical Services Fund – Supports medical needs
- The F.I.S.H. Fund – Assists needy residents of Shelby County with clothing, food, housing, utilizes, and life-sustaining medications
- Kermit T. & Ella M. Kuck Fund – Supports organizations within the City of Sidney.
Community Grant Priorities
- Impacts Shelby County Residents
- Project must be sustained after the grant is exhausted
- Based upon current community needs
- An unduplicated program/project
- Diversity in those who are served
- Promoting community wellness and addressing societal problems
Funding Information
Grant requests may be in any amount up to $20,000.
Eligibility Criteria
Must be a recognized 501(c)(3) organization, a government entity, or have a fiscal agent with a 501(c)(3) status. If a fiscal agent (a 501(c)(3) or governmental entity) will be the payee to receive a grant, please list that entity’s name and EIN on the Preliminary Proposal form.
The Community Foundation does not typically make grants from its discretionary funds for:
- General organizational operations
- Ongoing/repeated programs
- Fundraising drives
- Individuals
- Religious organizations for religious purposes meant to primarily serve its members (programs open to the community may be considered)
- Endowments
- Specific scientific, medical or academic research
- Political activities
For more information, visit TCFSC.