Centers for Disease Control announces the competitive availability of fiscal year 2024 funds to implement a capacity building assistance (CBA) program to strengthen the capacity and improve the performance of the nation’s HIV workforce.
Donor Name: Centers for Disease Control
State: All States
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 05/20/2024
Size of the Grant: More than $1 million
Grant Duration: 5 Years
The NOFO supports a network of providers to implement a multi-component program that builds individual competencies, technical expertise, strengthens organizational capacities, and enables supportive structural environments for the nation’s HIV workforce to plan, integrate, implement, evaluate, and sustain HIV prevention and surveillance programs. It promotes and supports national HIV prevention goals and strategies, CDC’s HIP approach, and the Division of HIV Prevention’s health equity priorities of addressing social determinants of health (SDOH) and syndemics affecting HIV-related outcomes.
This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) supports a network of funded providers, established and referenced as the CBA Provider Network (CPN), to implement the following six inter-related program components:
- Component A: Technical Assistance to Enhance Integrated HIV Activities for Health Department Jurisdictions
- Component B: Instructor-led Training for High-Impact HIV Prevention Programs
- Component C: eLearning Training for High-Impact HIV Prevention Programs
- Component D: Technical Assistance for High-Impact HIV Prevention Programs
- Component E: Organization/Workforce Development and Management for CommunityBased Organizations
- Component F: CPN Resource and Coordination Center
Funding Information
Total Period of Performance Funding: $127,500,000
- Component A: $2,500,000
- Component B: $3,500,000
- Component C: $2,000,000
- Component D: $1,400,000
- Component E: $2,250,000
- Component F: $1,250,000
Period of Performance
5 years
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicants are permitted to submit only one application but may apply for a maximum of two (2) components. An application with more than two (2) components will be deemed as nonresponsive, and the application(s) will receive no further review.
- Applicants must submit the following documentation:
- Applicant must submit documentation that demonstrates at least two years engagement and provision of training, technical assistance provision, and/or capacity building assistance with HIV prevention or care services to the selected population of focus. Examples include Progress Reports, Notice of Award or Media publications, or letter from an applicant’s funding source, other than CDC, documenting the applicant’s performance related to the component of which the applicant is applying. The evidence of prevention or care service should be uploaded as a PDF and named “Appendix_Evidence of Service”.
- Maximum of two (2) Letters of support or commitment to demonstrate an intended or prior relationships with the applicant. The letters should be saved as a pdf and uploaded as “Letters of Support”
- An example of experience/related work to support the component of which the applicant is applying. The document or weblink must include recent examples of component relevant work products, materials, tools, etc
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