The Historic District Grant Program is designed to financially incentivize the Preservation, Rehabilitation, and Restoration of Historic Structures and Sites designated on the City’s Historic Sites Inventory to create a community that honors its past and encourages Historic Preservation.
Donor Name: City of Park City
State: Utah
City: Park City
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 12/31/2024
Size of the Grant: $1000 to $10,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
Types of Grants
- Emergency Grant
- Property owners may apply for an emergency grant up to $5,000 for Emergency Repair Work defined in the Land Management Code as:
- Work requiring prompt approval because of an imminent threat to the safety or welfare of the public or to the structure or site. The scope of the approval for emergency repair work shall only be to the extent related to stabilizing or repairing the emergency situation.
- Property owners may apply for an emergency grant up to $5,000 for Emergency Repair Work defined in the Land Management Code as:
- Competitive Grant
- Property owners may apply for a competitive grant of up to 50% of the cost to preserve, rehabilitate, or restore a Historic Structure:
- Preservation: The act or process of applying measures necessary to sustain the existing form, integrity, and materials of a Historic Property. Work, including preliminary measures to protect and stabilize the Property, generally focuses upon ongoing maintenance and repair of Historic materials and features rather than extensive replacement and new construction.
- Rehabilitation: The act or process of making possible a compatible Use for a Property through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions or features which convey its Historical, cultural, or architectural values.
- Restoration: The act or process of accurately depicting the form, features, and character of a property as it appeared at a particular period of time by means of removal of features from other periods in its history and Reconstruction of missing features from the restoration period.
- Property owners may apply for a competitive grant of up to 50% of the cost to preserve, rehabilitate, or restore a Historic Structure:
Eligibility Criteria
Property owners of Significant or Landmark Historic Sites on Park City’s Historic Sites Inventory may apply for a 50% matching competitive grant. Eligible work may include interior and/or exterior repair, Preservation, Rehabilitation, or Restoration, including Historic Architectural features and structural elements, as well as mechanical systems.
Depending on the existing conditions and specific project scope, some examples of eligible work include, but are not limited to:
- Repairing/Restoring/replacing windows
- Repointing masonry
- Repairing or replacing roofs
- Painting exterior
- Electrical updating
- Upgrading mechanical systems
- Upgrading insulation
- Reconstructing Historic porches
- Restoring Historic features
Ineligible Work includes, but is not limited to:
- Acquisition costs
- New additions
- Landscaping/flatwork
- Interior remodeling/new finishes
- Interior paint.
For more information, visit City of Park City.