The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is seeking applications for its Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM) Tribal Program.
Donor Name: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
State: All States
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline:Â 10/10/2024
Size of the Grant: More than $1 million
Grant Duration: 5 Years
This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications for two separate projects to provide training, technical assistance, research, and tools to Tribal environmental staff to build Tribal capacity to develop sustainable waste management programs and implement cleanup, prevention, and response programs in Indian country. The recipient will also conduct activities under the two cooperative agreements that promote discussion, collaboration, engagement, and partnership among Tribes and federal agency representatives.
OLEM’s primary goal under this funding opportunity is to help Tribes build capacity – through training, technical assistance, research, and tools – to develop their own OLEM-related programs and participate in cleanup, prevention, and response programs. OLEM works to support Tribal sovereign authority and promote compliance with federal and Tribal environmental statutes and regulations in Indian country while upholding EPA’s Indian Policy principles. The activities under this cooperative agreement help make the OLEM Tribal Program more responsive to Tribal needs by ensuring that Tribes have opportunities to provide their input and perspectives on policy and regulatory actions planned or taken by OLEM.
Project One- Under this project, the recipient will provide trainings and support to Tribal environmental professionals to build Tribal capacity and promote preservation and restoration of lands in Indian country.
- Element 1: Develop, plan, and implement annual Tribal training conference – Tribal Lands and Environment Forum (TLEF)
- Element 2: Provide technical and administrative support to the Tribal Waste and Response Steering Committee (TWAR SC)
- Element 3: Develop and deliver at least 10 training courses for Tribal environmental professionals to address OLEM-related programs
- Element 4: Create online resources to help Tribes access and share OLEM-related information and policies affecting Tribal communities
Project Two: (Funds awarded under Project Two are limited to supporting Superfund related, emergency management-related, and legacy hard-rock mining-related activities.)
- Element 1: Include Superfund-related and emergency management-related sessions and activities in the annual Tribal training conference – Tribal Lands and Environment Forum (TLEF)
- Element 2: Support Tribal members of the Tribal Superfund Working Group and the Tribal Superfund Working Group Advisory Council
- Element 3: Build Tribal capacity to meaningfully engage in the Superfund process, conduct research, develop research products, and disseminate results to Tribal members of the Tribal Superfund Working Group (TSFWG)
- Element 4: Develop and deliver at least three in-person site visits for Tribal members of the TSFWG
- Element 5: Host at least four virtual Tribal legacy hard-rock mining meetings
- Element 6: Maintain and enhance the Tribal Lands Assistance Center website for Project Two activities
Funding Information
The total estimated funding available under this competitive funding opportunity is $3,480,000 subject to the availability of funds, quality of applications received, and other applicable considerations. The total estimated funding for Project One is $1,565,000. In FY25, the Project One maximum value shall not exceed $313,000. The total estimated funding for Project Two is $1,915,000. In FY25, the Project Two maximum value shall not exceed $383,000.
Project PeriodÂ
The estimated start date for projects resulting from this funding opportunity is January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2029.
Eligibility Criteria
Consistent with Assistance, and the EPA’s Assistance Agreement Competition Policy, competition under this funding opportunity is being limited to a subset of eligible applicants. Applications will be accepted from federally recognized Tribes and inter-Tribal consortia, public and private non-profit universities and colleges, and other public or private non-profit organizations.
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