The intention of the Agricultural Innovation Grant is to improve economic viability of the agriculture industry by encouraging Frederick County’s agricultural producers to expand or diversify their business operations.
Donor Name: Fredrick County
State: Maryland
County: Frederick County (MD)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 03/31/2024
Size of the Grant: $1000 to $10,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
Funding Information
Agriculture Innovation Grants of $5,000 or more are available twice a year to crop and livestock producers, value-added producers, agricultural cooperatives, seafood processors, and primary and secondary timber products processors. Funds may be used for research and development, production buildings, major fixtures, or processing facilities. Grants are competitive. A review committee scores all applications based on established metrics and then recommends awards to the County Executive.
Eligibility Criteria
- Must be currently operating in Frederick County for at least a year,
- Must have recorded at least $2,500 in annual (not cumulative) sales
- Must have documented evidence (e.g. email) of outreach to Planning & Zoning to discuss the requirements of your proposed project, and
- Must fall into one of the below categories:
- Crop or livestock producer,
- value-added producer,
- agricultural cooperative,
- seafood processor, or
- primary or secondary timber products processor.
For more information, visit Fredrick County.