The Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC) is seeking applications for the 2024 Mural Assistance for Artists.
Donor Name: Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC)
State: Ohio
County: Franklin County (OH)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 11/01/2024
Size of the Grant: $1000 to $10,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
This grant is designed to provide partial funding for the creation of exterior murals where a specific wall is identified, there is a written contract between artist(s) and commissioning organization, and additional funding has been pledged or secured.
Award Amount
- All awards for artists are a flat $5,000; funds may be used for artist fees (to pay yourself) or for materials/supplies.
- Grantees will receive a 1099 for awards $600 and over.
Types of Projects
To qualify for this grant program, all of the following criteria must be met:
- LOCATION: Mural location must be within Franklin County; exterior and visible to the general public (i.e. no inside lobby murals or private courtyards, etc.); AND be located OUTSIDE of Downtown District, Columbus.
- COMMITMENT: Contract or letter of intent from commissioning organization/company with mural location and total compensation.
- INVESTMENT: Commissioning organization/company MUST agree in writing to provide artist(s) with partial funding of at least $500; some projects may require a much larger match depending on the size of the mural.
This grant is open to mural artists who:
- Are working artists (age 18 and older) as demonstrated by resume/work samples.
- Live in Franklin County for at least one year prior to application; OR
- Live in a county bordering Franklin County for at least one year prior to application.
- Are NOT enrolled as degree-seeking undergraduate students
- Did NOT receive a Mural Assistance grant in Spring 2024
- (2023 Mural Assistance for Artists grantees are eligible to reapply in this round.)
For more information, visit GCAC.