The Rose Community Foundation is seeking applications for its Jewish Life Grant Program to support organizations and programs that are reflective of Greater Denver’s Jewish communities and offer meaningful and relevant opportunities to engage in Jewish life, while welcoming diverse individuals, families and practices.
Donor Name: Rose Community Foundation
State: Colorado
County: Adams County (CO), Arapahoe County (CO), Boulder County (CO), Broomfield County (CO), Denver County (CO), Douglas County (CO), Jefferson County (CO)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 08/16/2024
Size of the Grant: Not Available
Grant Duration: 1 Year
Grants may be structured as programmatic grants, and in some cases, general operating support may be considered.
Priority Funding Areas
Organizations funded under this opportunity should reflect at least one of the following priorities:
- Efforts to increase the organizational strength and capacity of a Jewish organization working in support of the seven-county Denver metro area Jewish community
- Applications in this category should consist of grants working toward a major organizational goal that strengthens the core functions of the organization, like sustained increased enrollment or a new revenue stream. These may include key staff positions, planning grants, new systems (CRM, software, etc.), professional development, coaching, or other similar projects
- Program or project that is reflective of diverse Jewish communities and offers meaningful and relevant opportunities to engage in Jewish life
- These applications should include data demonstrating the need for the program/project/organization and show that the grant would fill a gap in the local Jewish ecosystem, rather than duplicating other existing efforts. General operating or program grants may fall into this category.
- Jewish initiatives seeking to advance social justice by engaging Jewish people and using Jewish values and traditions to respond to one or more key social and economic issues of time
- National data demonstrates that Jewish people, particularly younger generations, tend to express their Jewish identities through social justice. Applications in this category will ideally demonstrate that their justice-oriented work is informed by, and supports, the population/issue area it serves. In addition, there should be some measurement of how this social justice programming supports the development of Jewish identities, relationships, meaning, and/or values of its Jewish participants.
Project Period
Grants will be for a period of 12 months, and organizations are eligible to be awarded funds only once in a 12-month period.
Eligibility Criteria
Jewish organizations operating in the seven county Greater Denver region. Applicants must be a nonprofit organization, school, or other tax-exempt organization in the seven-county Greater Denver region of Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas and Jefferson counties. Unincorporated organizations, groups and initiatives may apply but must have a tax-exempt fiscal sponsor.
Desired Outcomes and Evaluation
By making grants within the priorities stated above, the Foundation seeks to help Greater Denver’s Jewish organizations advance the following seven outcomes:
- Organizational Sustainability: Metro Denver/Boulder Jewish communal organizations are strong, safe, and sustainable.
- Diversity: Metro Denver/Boulder Jewish organizations reach and serve Jewish audiences that represent the full spectrum of Jewish life, including demographic, geographic, and denominational diversity.
Inclusion: Metro Denver/Boulder Jewish individuals and families of all stripes feel welcomed and included in Jewish programs and organizations. - Communal Connections: Jewish individuals and families feel a strong sense of connection to one or more parts of the Metro Denver/Boulder Jewish community.
- Engagement: Metro Denver/Boulder Jewish individuals and families repeatedly participate in Jewish engagement opportunities that are meaningful and relevant to them.
- Social & Economic Justice: Metro Denver/Boulder Jewish individuals and families participate in activities that address social and economic justice as an expression of their Jewish identity.
- Basic Needs: Basic needs of all Metro Denver/Boulder Jewish individuals and families are being met.
For more information, visit Rose Community Foundation.