The Anne Arundel County Watershed Restoration Grant Program is a partnership between the Trust, the Anne Arundel County Bureau of Watershed Protection and Restoration, and the City of Annapolis.
Donor Name: Chesapeake Bay Trust
State: Maryland
County: Anne Arundel County (MD)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 03/20/2025
Size of the Grant: $100,000 to $500,000
Grant Duration: 2 Years
This award program aims to improve water quality in the County’s local streams and waterways, as called for in the County’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit and County and City of Annapolis’ Stormwater Management Inventory and Watershed Improvement Plan, which require reductions in storm flow volume and pollutants entering the County’s waterways.
In this grant program, there are four tracks of project types:
- Track 1 projects are watershed planning projects (City of Annapolis only)
- Watershed planning projects are eligible only in the City of Annapolis. Watershed plans are a first step to assess the area with the community, identify potential target areas for restoration, propose restoration practice types if possible, and serve as a guiding document for future work, including applications for restoration projects. Applicants may propose watershed planning or watershed assessment projects for properties/areas only in the City of Annapolis. Track 1 project final products will include planning documents useful for future design and implementation of restoration projects in this grant program.
- Track 2 projects are design projects
- Design projects are eligible in Anne Arundel County and the City of Annapolis. Applicants may request funding to create construction ready designs and obtain permits for specific watershed restoration projects.
- Track 3 projects are small-scale restoration projects
- Small-scale restoration implementation projects, including but not limited to bioretention cells, bioswales, rain gardens, or other stormwater BMPs, are eligible in Anne Arundel County and the City of Annapolis. Track 3 projects have a disturbance footprint of less than 5,000 square feet or less than 100 cubic yards of earth disturbed.
- Track 4 projects are large-scale restoration projects
- Large-scale restoration implementation projects are eligible in Anne Arundel County and the City of Annapolis. Track 4 projects have a disturbance footprint greater than 5,000 square feet or more than 100 cubic yards of earth disturbed. Additional stormwater BMPs that are typically “large-scale” restoration projects include stormwater wetland and marsh creation and enhancement; stream and wetland restoration; regenerative conveyance systems (also known as coastal plain outfalls, step pool storm conveyance, etc.); living shorelines (on community, other not-for-profit, or public property); and green roofs
Funding Information
- The funding partners anticipate:
- $285,000.00 available for awards in the City of Annapolis.
- $1,208,984.00 available for awards elsewhere in Anne Arundel County.
- Funding requests will generally not exceed $300,000; provide robust, thorough justification for any requests exceeding this level.
Grant Period
Projects must be completed within two years upon receipt of the award.
Eligibility Criteria
Applications must include at least one partner that represents a stakeholder group based in Anne Arundel County. With the exception of homeowners or community associations located in the City of Annapolis, all applicants must be certified 501(c) non-profit organizations. This program welcomes requests from the following organizations, that include but are not limited to:
- 501(c) registered local watershed groups
- 501(c) registered Service, Youth, and Civic groups
- 501(c) registered Faith-based organizations
- 501(c) registered Community associations and homeowners’ associations in Anne Arundel County.
For more information, visit Chesapeake Bay Trust.