The FY 2024 Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP), as authorized and appropriated by the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2024, provides funding to close known capability gaps, encourage innovative regional solutions to issues related to catastrophic incidents, and build on existing regional preparedness efforts.
Donor Name: Department of Homeland Security
State: All States
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 07/25/2024
Size of the Grant: More than $1 million
Grant Duration: 3 Years
The goal of the RCPGP is to enhance regional resilience by supporting comprehensive planning, coordination, and collaboration across jurisdictions to improve preparedness, response, recovery, and resilience in the face of catastrophic events. The RCPGP is a covered program under the Justice40 Initiative, which set the goal that 40% of the overall benefits of certain federal investments such as climate and other investment areas flow to disadvantaged communities. Therefore, RCPGP-funded investments are targeted to disadvantaged communities.
The RCPGP provides resources that supports states and local governments in meeting the following objectives (with associated core capabilities noted in parentheses where applicable):
- Build state and local capacity to manage catastrophic incidents by improving and expanding regional collaboration among emergency managers and other preparedness stakeholders.
- Involve regional stakeholders in the development of plans to address those core capabilities that present persistent preparedness challenges, with specific focus on community-level resilience, and an emphasis on addressing the needs of disadvantaged communities and long-term vulnerability reduction within those communities.
- Establish a resilient and sustainable housing market that meets the needs of the community, including the need for accessible housing within the specified timeframe in the recovery plan. (Housing).
- Assess preliminary housing impacts and needs, identify currently available options for temporary housing, and plan for permanent housing. (Housing).
- Ensure community housing recovery plans continue to address interim housing needs, assess options for permanent housing, and define a timeline for achieving a resilient, accessible, and sustainable housing market. (Housing).
- Maximize the coverage of the U.S. population that has a localized, risk[1]informed mitigation plan developed through partnerships across the entire community. (Community Resilience).
- Empower individuals and communities to make informed decisions to facilitate actions necessary to adapt to, withstand, and quickly recover from future incidents. (Community Resilience).
- Achieve a measurable decrease in the long-term vulnerability of the Nation against current baselines amid a growing population base, changing climate conditions, increasing reliance upon information technology, and expanding infrastructure base. (Long-term Vulnerability Reduction).
Focus Areas
- Community Resilience
- Long-Term Vulnerability Reduction
- Housing
Funding Information
- Available Funding for the NOFO: $10,800,000
- Maximum Award Amount: $3,000,000
Period of Performance
36 months
Eligibility Criteria
The following are eligible applicants for this funding opportunity:
- States as defined. This definition includes the District of Columbia and territories); and
- Local governments.
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