The Centers of Excellence Research Grants Program, administered by the Department of the Treasury, makes available 2.5 percent of all administrative and civil penalties deposited into the Trust Fund plus 25 percent of interest earned on the Trust Fund to the five Gulf Coast states.
Donor Name: Department of the Treasury
State: Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 10/31/2025
Size of the Grant: More than $1 million
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
Grant recipients under the Centers of Excellence Research Grants Program must comply with the RESTORE Act, Treasury’s RESTORE Act final rule, 31 C.F.R. Part 34, the requirements of 2 C.F.R. Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, the requirements included in the grant agreement documents, such as, the RESTORE Act Financial Assistance Standard Terms and Conditions and Program-Specific Terms and Conditions and as applicable, special award conditions, and all other relevant program requirements, applicable executive orders, federal statutes, and regulations.
Purpose and Priorities
Eligible disciplines under the centers of excellence research grants program:
Trust Fund amounts are available to establish one or more one or more Centers of Excellence through competitive subawards to nongovernmental entities and consortia in the Gulf Coast Region, including institutions of higher education. Funds may be used by those Centers of Excellence for science, technology, and monitoring in one or more of the following disciplines:
- Coastal and deltaic sustainability, restoration, and protection, including solutions and technology that allow citizens to live in a safe and sustainable manner in a coastal delta in the Gulf Coast Region;
- Coastal fisheries and wildlife ecosystem research and monitoring in the Gulf Coast Region;
- Offshore energy development, including research and technology to improve the sustainable and safe development of energy resources in the Gulf of Mexico;
- Sustainable and resilient growth, economic and commercial development in the Gulf Coast Region; and
- Comprehensive observation, monitoring, and mapping of the Gulf of Mexico.
Eligible applicants under the centers of excellence research grants program:
- The RESTORE Act and Treasury’s implementing regulations at 31 C.F.R. § 34.702 specify which entities are eligible to receive grants under the Centers of Excellence Research Grants Program. Treasury’s regulations list the Centers of Excellence Research Grants Program eligible applicants for each state as follows:
- In Alabama, the Alabama Gulf Coast Recovery Council or such administrative agent as it may designate;
- In Florida, the Florida Institute of Oceanography;
- In Louisiana, the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Board of Louisiana through the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana;
- In Mississippi, the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality; and
- In Texas, the Office of the Governor or an appointee of the Office of the Governor.
- Each of the five Gulf Coast States have established one or more RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence. Information about the Centers of Excellence and the awards is available on this RESTORE Act website.
Funding Information
- Award Ceiling: $14,518,510
- Award Floor: $5,710,210
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible applicants are specified by the RESTORE Act and Treasury’s implementing regulations at 31 CFR 34.702. Only the following entities may apply for funding under this announcement:
- The Alabama Gulf Coast Recovery Council or such administrative agent as it may designate
- The Florida Institute of Oceanography
- The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Board of Louisiana, through the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana (pursuant to 31 CFR 34.702)
- The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
- The Office of the Governor of the State of Texas, or an appointee of the Office of the Governor.
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