With this solicitation, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) seeks to fund state, local, and tribal governments to enhance or implement evidence-based activities or services to improve reentry and reduce recidivism by expanding and/or increasing access to housing for people who are currently or formerly involved in the criminal justice system.
Donor Name: Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
State: All States
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 07/18/2024
Size of the Grant: $500,000 to $1 million
Grant Duration: 3 Years
The goal of this FY 2024 Smart Reentry Program is to establish demonstration projects that increase safe, healthy, and affordable housing options for people in reentry. Grantees will develop, implement, or test strategies to expand housing options, including to assess and amend system-level policies and practices while keeping the experience of the people impacted by the system in clear focus.
With this solicitation, the Smart Reentry: Housing Demonstration Program supports state, local, and federally recognized tribal entities throughout the country to establish partnerships or otherwise work to:
- Provide safe and affordable housing for individuals involved in the criminal justice system;
- Provide an adequate supply of stable short-term and/or permanent housing services for justice- and/or formerly justice-involved individuals that are appropriate and meet the needs of individuals returning from incarceration;
- Reduce barriers and promote access to secure, safe, and stable housing opportunities for individuals involved and/or formerly involved in the criminal justice system; or
- Provide wrap around services (e.g., substance abuse treatment, mental health treatment, intensive case management, money management, etc.) to individuals involved in or formerly involved in the criminal justice system to ensure continuity of care.
Funding Information
- Anticipated Total Amount to Be Awarded Under This Solicitation: $7,000,000
- Anticipated Maximum Dollar Amount per Award: Up to $1,000,000
Project Period
36 months
Eligibility Criteria
- State governments
- City or township governments
- County governments
- Other units of local government, such as towns, boroughs, parishes, villages, or other general purpose political subdivisions of a State
- Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities
- Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
For the purposes of this notice of funding opportunity, “state” means any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
For more information, visit Grants.gov.