The Arizona Community Foundation in cooperation with the Historic Route 66 Association of Arizona are seeking applications from nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, along with local, state, tribal government agencies in Arizona to compete for a grant from the Arizona Community Foundation’s Arizona Route 66 Fund.
Donor Name: Arizona Community Foundation
State: Arizona
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 03/31/2024
Size of the Grant: $10,000 to $100,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
Grants will be awarded to projects that aim to preserve, promote, and protect Route 66 in Arizona. ACF will accept proposals that benefit and support preservation, restoration, and rehabilitation projects as well as planning, educational, and research projects that focus on Route 66 in Arizona.
ACF encourages proposals that:
- Leverage matching funds
- Positively impact the Route 66 Arizona community
- Promote partnerships between private business and nonprofits.
- Support direct administrative costs associated with carrying out the program, such as staff salary/wages, project management, marketing, consultants, supplies, postage, travel, training or equipment, newlyacquired information technology, etc. Direct costs can also include directly attributable administrative support, legal or accounting functions, with distinct and measured effort on the project.
Proposed Project Categories
- Preservation, Restoration, and Rehabilitation Projects The preservation, restoration, and rehabilitation of transportation-related properties on Route 66 are eligible project activities. Properties must be on, or within view of a Route 66 road alignment; be in their original location; and retain some historical and architectural integrity.
Eligible property types include:
- gas stations, automotive repair shops, and other automobile-related businesses
- restaurants and cafes
- motels, hotels, and campgrounds
- curio shops, tourist trading posts, tourism-related attractions
- original road pavement and associated road features (e.g., bridges, culverts)
Eligible activities include, but are not limited to repair, rehabilitation, or restoration of:
- Doors and Windows
- Light Fixtures
- Historic Signs (in Historic Locations)
- Bridges
- Historic Road Pavement
- Roofs
- Floors
- Foundations
- Structural Elements
- Plumbing, electrical, HVAC
Planning, Research, Interpretive, or Educational Outreach Projects
Planning, research, interpretive or educational projects are eligible project activities. Examples of eligible activities include:
- Project Planning and Architectural Drawings for preservation, rehabilitation or restoration of eligible historic properties. Plans and drawings must be prepared by a registered historical architect or other related professional, and comply with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
- Historic Structure Reports for properties listed on or determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Other properties relating to the 1926-1970 period of significance may also be considered. Reports must be prepared by a historical architect.
- Building, Road and/or Archeological Surveys by local, state, and tribal governments that identify and describe historic properties within an area or region along Route 66, and assess the significance, cultural value, condition and/or threats to the properties.
- Road Alignment or Pavement Preservation Plans prepared by local, state, and tribal
- governments.
- Local Corridor Preservation Management Plans prepared by local, state, and tribal
- Governments
- Planning, development, and production of Research, Oral Histories, Interpretive or Educational Activities that directly advance the understanding, preservation, and prestige of Route 66.
Funding Information
Proposals may be submitted for a minimum of $1,000 up to a maximum of $25,000.
Eligibility Criteria
- Any Arizona 501(c)(3) organization, government agency, educational institution or tribal entity that operates with fiscal accountability and responsibility. Religious organizations may apply for funding of non-sectarian programs.
- Organizations must demonstrate a non-discrimination policy regarding staff, employment, governing board and service based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability or national origin, and provide evidence of the policy.
- The application for this grant cycle is online. If applicants do not have internet access, they are advised to contact local public libraries, which offer free public internet access.
- Organizations without 501(c)(3) status must use a fiscal agent to apply on their behalf. Fiscal agents must have a visible profile on the ACF website, and also be a 501(c)(3) organization.
- Organizations must be in good standing with the IRS at the time of review or else the submitted application(s) will be immediately declined.
- Organizations must complete projects and programs within the Arizona geographic boundaries.
For more information, visit ACF.