The Teaching Artist Grant provides support for teaching artists and art teachers with innovative and creative projects.
Donor Name: Genesee Valley Council on the Arts
State: New York
County: Livingston County (NY), Monroe County (NY)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 10/21/2024
Size of the Grant: $1000 to $10,000
Grant Duration: 1 Year
All TA projects must focus on the depth and quality of the creative process through which participants learn from or about the arts. Proposals must focus on the exploration of art and the artistic process. This funding is focused on dynamic, collaborative projects from arts education and non-arts education organizations, as well as individual teaching artists.
The Teaching Artist grant offers funding in these categories: Pre-K-12 In-School or After-School Projects and Community-based Learning. All TA projects must be carried out in partnership with a public school or in partnership with an existing closed group of learners such as a club, residents of a senior living facility, individuals receiving social services, or a camp.
Pre-K-12: In-School or After-School Projects
- These projects must take place in-school during the school day or After-School. In-School and After-School projects must be done in partnership with or containing approval from public schools within the county of application.
- TA regrant funds must not replace, or appear to replace, the role of certified arts teachers in schools.
- Inter-curricular collaboration for in-school projects is encouraged but not required.
- If the project will take place within a school setting, a letter of commitment from the partner school to the arts organization or artist must be included with the application to be eligible for funding. The letter of commitment must outline in detail the partner(s) support of the project (monetarily and otherwise) and anticipated roles and responsibilities for each partner involved.
- The partnership letter should be on the partner(s) letterhead and signed by the principal.
Community-Based Learning
- Projects may take place in a community-based setting, such as a library, school, community center, or arts organization.
- Projects are provided to a closed group of learners, meaning they are not open to the general public. These groups may be composed of a particular age group or artistic field,(including adult learners) or for participants of all ages. A closed group of learners must be open enough for community participation, but specific enough to best evaluate the specified group.
- A letter of commitment from the partner arts organization or artist must be included with the application to be eligible for funding. The letter of commitment must outline in detail the partner(s) support of the project (monetarily and otherwise) and anticipated roles and responsibilities for each partner involved. The partnership letter should be on the partner(s) letterhead and signed by the director of the partner organization.
Funding Information
- The Teaching Artist Grants are awarded in the amount of $2,500- $7,500.
- The project is to take place between January 2025 and December 2025.
Eligibility Criteria
All applicants must be individual teaching artists or artist organizations/collectives working with a specified group of learners, with a specific age group and a set intention. Eligible applicants may apply directly for out-of-school programs.
For more information, visit Genesee Valley Council on the Arts.