The Nonhighway and Off-road Vehicle Activities program provides funding to develop and manage recreation opportunities for such activities as cross-country skiing, hiking, horseback riding, mountain bicycling, hunting, fishing, sightseeing, motorcycling, and riding all-terrain and four-wheel drive vehicles.
Donor Name: Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office
State: Washington
County: All Counties
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 09/03/2024
Size of the Grant: $100,000 to $500,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
The Nonhighway and Off-road Vehicle Activities (NOVA) program provides grants to plan, buy, develop, and maintain land and facilities that support a range of trail- and back-road-related outdoor recreation, such as the following:
- Riding all-terrain, utility task, and four-wheel drive vehicles
- Hunting and fishing
- Gathering berries, firewood, mushrooms, and other natural products
- Horseback riding and pack animal activities
- Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing
- Mountain bicycling
- Hiking, backpacking, and climbing
- Motorcycling off-road
- Sightseeing
NOVA Categories
NOVA grants are available in the following four categories:
- Nonhighway road
- Projects in this category are intended to serve people with facilities that are adjacent to, or accessed by, nonhighway roads, which are described below. This includes recreation activities such as the following:
- Boating (non-motorized, such as rafts, canoes, and kayaks)
- Camping
- Driving for pleasure, sightseeing, viewing wildlife, etc.
- Hunting and fishing
- Gathering berries, mushrooms, wood, and other natural products
- Picnicking
- Walking on interpretive trails
- Projects in this category are intended to serve people with facilities that are adjacent to, or accessed by, nonhighway roads, which are described below. This includes recreation activities such as the following:
- Nonmotorized
- Projects in this category are intended to serve people who recreate on trails that are accessed via nonhighway roads, described below. This includes trail use for the following:
- Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing
- Hiking, backpacking, and climbing
- Horseback riding and pack animal activities
- Mountain bicycling
- Projects in this category are intended to serve people who recreate on trails that are accessed via nonhighway roads, described below. This includes trail use for the following:
- Off-road vehicle
- Projects in this category are intended to serve people who use off-road vehicles for recreation, including the following:
- All-terrain vehicle and utility task vehicle riding
- Four-wheel driving
- Motorcycling
- By law, off-road vehicles do not include snowmobiles, go-karts, or watercraft.
- Projects in this category are intended to serve people who use off-road vehicles for recreation, including the following:
Funding Information
- Nonhighway Road
- Maintenance and Operation: $150,000
- Land Acquisition, Development, Planning: $200,000
- Nonmotorized
- Maintenance and Operation: $150,000
- Land Acquisition, Development, Planning: $200,000
- Off-road Vehicle
- Maintenance and Operation: $200,000
- Land Acquisition, Development, Planning: No limit.
Typical Projects
- Building, renovating, and rerouting trails
- Maintaining trails and associated campgrounds and trailheads
- Operating off-road vehicle parks
- Educating trail users.
Eligible Projects
- Planning
- Comprehensive plans, construction drawings, environmental assessments, feasibility and preconstruction studies, route surveys and reconnaissance, and site master plans
- Land acquisition: Purchase in fee title, or lesser interests such as leases and easements. Leases must be for at least twenty-five years. Grants may not be used for land acquisition by federal agencies.
- Development
- Employee residences for employees directly involved in the operation and maintenance of a NOVA-assisted project.
- Extensive reconstruction when facilities are obsolete or usefulness or safety is impaired (although not because of inadequate maintenance)
- Nonmotorized boating access facilities
- Off-road vehicle sports parks including motocross tracks, sand drag strips, four-wheel drive competitive and play facilities, spectator facilities, concession buildings, and park administration and maintenance facilities
- Parking, trails, and trailheads
- Picnic and camping areas
- Route and interpretive signs and informational bulletin boards
- Sanitary facilities including sewer systems and other related utilities
- Utilities, including water, electric, and telephone service
- Wildlife viewing facilities
Eligibility Criteria
The following organizations meeting the planning eligibility requirement may apply for NOVA grants:
- Local agencies (cities, towns, counties, port districts, park and recreation districts, etc.)
- Federal agencies
- State agencies
- Native American tribes
- Nonprofit off-road vehicle organizations.
For more information, visit WSRCO.