The Women’s Fund of Porter County offers an opportunity for women in Porter County to collectively share the joy of giving and address the most important needs of women and children in community—together.
Donor Name: Porter County Community Foundation
State: Indiana
County: Porter County (IN)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 06/28/2024
Size of the Grant: Not Available
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
The Women’s Fund of Porter County funds programs that demonstrate positive outcomes in improving the lives of women and children.
Eligibility Criteria
The Women’s Fund of Porter County welcomes nonprofit organizations serving Porter County to submit a grant request. Recipient organizations must be organized for tax exempt purposes as set forth in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
Project Areas NOT Considered for Funding
- Projects or programs that do not address issues facing women and/or children;
- Scholarship programs including daycare and program participation fees;
- Annual appeals or membership contributions;
- Event sponsorships;
- Programs that are sectarian or religious in nature;
- Political organizations or candidates;
- Contributions to endowment campaigns;
- Campaigns to reduce previously incurred debt;
- Individuals;
- Programs already completed and/or equipment already contracted for; and
- Travel for bands, sports teams and similar groups.
For more information, visit PCCF.