The Office of Workforce Development (OWD) is inviting applicants to support a broad range of services, including education and training, career development, job training, adult basic education, and youth employment services.
Donor Name: Office of Workforce Development (OWD)
State: Massachusetts
City: Boston
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 04/04/2024
Size of the Grant: $500,000 to $1 million
Grant Duration: 1 Year
The Office of Workforce Development (OWD) is the City of Boston’s workforce development agency.
Priorities for Funding
Within the WIOA Youth portfolio, OWD envisions an integrated and coordinated system of services that stabilizes marginalized youth and transitions them towards career-oriented education, training, and employment. Consistent with WIOA federal guidelines, OWD partners with programs and services that place out-of-school youth ages 18-24 on a pathway towards post-secondary attainment or career-level employment.
With this RFGA, OWD seeks to identify providers who specialize in direct service or resource referral in the areas of affordable housing, behavioral health, and childcare to support youth already enrolled in WIOA Youth funded partnerships. Because this available funding is one-time, they seek providers proficient at leveraging state and other funds to connect youth with public benefits that might sustain access to services over the long term.
This RFGA seeks to:
- Identify providers who specialize in direct service or resource referral in the areas of affordable housing, behavioral health, and childcare;
- Connect supportive services providers directly with the WIOA Youth portfolio;
- To improve the retention of over 100 participants already enrolled in OWD’s WIOA Youth-funded programs.
Funding Information
At the issuance of this RFGA, the total funding available is approximately $700,000.
Grant Period
Contracts resulting from this RFGA are anticipated to commence July 1, 2024, and end on June 30, 2025.
Participant Eligibility and Target Population
Applicants must demonstrate that they can serve WIOA Youth participants which meet all the eligibility criteria below:
- Boston resident
- 18-24 years old
- Out of school
- Facing barriers to employment.
Eligibility Criteria
- Non-profit organization (holding 501c3 status or with fiscal sponsor holding 501c3 status) OR institution of higher education.
- Must serve low-income Boston residents ages 18-24.
For more information, visit OWD.