The HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) is a flexible federal grant program that allows Hennepin County to fund affordable housing activities for very low and low-income families or individuals, homeless families, and persons with special needs.
Donor Name: County of Hennepin
State: Minnesota
County: Hennepin County (MN)
Type of Grant: Grant
Deadline: 01/28/2025
Size of the Grant: $100,000 to $500,000
Grant Duration: Grant Duration Not Mentioned
Funding Information
- Funds available through this RFP: $5 million
- Average estimated awards: $500K/project,$15K/unit.
Project Eligibility
- Types: Affordable rental and affordable homeownership projects are both eligible for HOME funds.
- Location: Developments in Suburban Hennepin County are eligible to receive HOME funds from Hennepin
- County. The city of Minneapolis receives an allocation of HOME fund directly from HUD, making projects in Minneapolis ineligible for HOME funds from the County.
- Activities: Acquisition of property, construction of new housing for permanent or transitional rental and ownership, moderate or substantial rehabilitation of units, site improvements for HOME-assisted projects, other reasonable and necessary expenses related to the development of affordable housing, homeowner purchase assistance or rehabilitation financing, and tenant-based rental assistance are all eligible for HOME funding.
- CHDO Operating: The County may use up to 5 percent of its fiscal year HOME allocation for the operating expenses of Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO). These funds are limited to an amount that provides no more than 50 percent, or $50,000, whichever is greater, of a CHDO’s total operating expenses in that fiscal year.
For more information, visit County of Hennepin.